MAPS! I absolutely love them. Maybe it's because I have a good sense of direction, maybe it's because I'm actually a visually oriented person, who knows! I could stare at them all day long. Google Earth has me glued to the LCDs these days. My favorite place to explore? Las Vegas . It's a silicon dioxide fantasy, that like semiconductor chips, explodes out of the sands of the desert. A mirage , a collective hallucination of the world at large. The dry heat and direct sunlight cause you to imagine that the pyramids , an east coast metropolis, and mediteranian vistas suddenly appeared in the wastes of Nevada. It is much like the Internet .
Sail ors, S oftwa r e P i rates , Major Leag uers o n LSD, Fuck ron au ts
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Diver on Vimeo
German Psyche Rock, Made-for-TV soundtracks from the 60s, the sound of my refrigerator through a tape delay, Coltrane bootlegs, that first Roxy Music album, Tyranasaurus Rex, all of my friend's bands, classic rock, a lot of indie rock, The Beatles, Mozart, Stockhausen and Cage's theories (the music is a little lacking), Philip Glass, a lot of bands in Brooklyn right now like: Animal Collective, Aa, Growing, Japanther, Black Dice, Dragons of Zynth, Oneida, Awesome Color, The Wowz, The Zs... a lot of bands in Auckland right now like: Die Die Die, Rock and Roll Machine, Ryan McPhun and the Ruby Suns, the Nudie Suits, The Reduction Agents, Deja Voodoo, Coco Solid, Golden Axe... lots of other stuff like that music that Mexicans are always listening to.
Here's what I've watched recently: Kaikohe Demolition , Devil At Our Heels, Brothers Grimm, Into the Deep ... I've mainly been watching movies on airplanes or television. I partake in asian cuisine at the foodcourts of theatres and then leave. Some of my favorite filmmakers would be: Wes Anderson, Todd Salondz , Werner Herzog (!!!!!!), Steven Speilberg... I'm sure there's more.
Nathan Barley, Trailer Park Boys , The Office... there's lots more, but these are my current faves.
Dude, Cormac McCarthy? Blood Meridian? Holy shit! C rime and Punishment blew my head off. Seriously powerful piece of writing. I really like Umberto Eco . His novels are great, his hyperreality essays are intriguing, entertaining, and very poetic. Baudrillard is the same . He's written some really zany stuff. Marshall McLuhan changed how I view the world. I've been reading some books by people that hate the French dudes and cultural relatavists, namely Richard Dawkins and Steven Pinker. They make some good points. PK Dick, William Gibson, Azimov, Vonnegut , and heaps of others. I also like reading books on computer programming. O'Reilly publishes some great titles.
I'm a big fan of Richard Branson. He's the guy who started Virgin records, went on to have an airline, fly some balloons around the world, and now, he's starting a commercial spaceflight company . Pretty amazing.I also like the Steve Jobs/Steve Wozniak combination. Starting Apple out of a garage, doing drugs and other wierdo new agey type shit.Robert Smithson was a pretty cool guy. Made some fantastic art.There's a whole bunch of people I'm in to... Fred Savage, Judge Reinhold, Mr. Potato Head, Ellen, Goldberg, Pogs, applesauce... the list goes on and on.