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im rad~your rad~lets hug

About Me

AK_ Lyts

My Interests

We're all a little weird. And life's a little weird. And when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up in mutual weirdness and call it love. .So let's drink to the truth. Let's speak through drunken minds & say how much we truly love each other & tomorrow, we can go back to pretending that we hate each other.

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i like everything..mainly :social distortion-bad religion-greatful dead-rage againts the machines-tsunami bomb- dead kennedys-misfits-black flag- the vandals- anti flag- circle jerks-floggin mollys-the ramones- pennywise- minor threat- nofx- suicidal tendancies- violent femmes-sublime- offspring-as i lie dying-HATEBREED


i like: Napolean Dinamitte,Running scared, silent hill, hide and seek, Grudge, Pirattes of the Carribean, 13 Ghosts, Finding Nemo, Texas Chainsaw Massicure, Swimfan, Dawn of the Dead, Shawn of the Dead, Darkness Falls, Saw, Fight club, Hitch, Wedding Crashers, The Ring, Silence of the Lambs, Big fish, One hour Photo, Pulp Fiction, The Jacket, Without a Paddle, Shallow Hall, Hide and Seek, The Breakfast Club, Team America,.


some tv show i like are family guy, south park, viva la bam!, one tree hill, the hills, simpsons, friends, date my mom, yo momma,


dont read


tom green

My Blog

smell something?

yeah its me~cuz im the shitt
Posted by nikki on Thu, 11 Jan 2007 02:15:00 PST