Phillips profile picture


Don't count the days, make the days count

About Me

Word on the street is that i'm a sophomore at EWU(e-woo). I grew up in a small town but i'm pretty sure i'm not a redneck or hillbilly. Basically I like to be active and have a good ass time with friends. Whether that means playin some ball, chillaxing, or knockin off 7 elevens...I'm usually game.LOL. It is also a scientific fact that i love the college life. Wanna know more?...drop me a message and we'll see whats up.Yours Truly, Jake
Dating & Relationship Advice
MySpace Layouts

My Interests

Myspace Layouts & Myspace Graphics

football, basketball, golf, baseball, pingpong, beerpong, gambling, working out, parties, chillaxing, fishing, hunting, massages, mom's name a few

I'd like to meet:

I'm up for meeting anyone, especially cute girls


pretty much everything


a few favs. include Wedding Crashers, Training Day, and Happy Gilmore


all ESPN and sports related channels, HBO's Entourage


not books but i like to read ESPN the magazine and the Ritzville Journal


My grandpa cuz he's the hardest working man I know.

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