Art, ancient literature, punk rock, philosophy, maroon clothing, film, chess, eating tortilla chips with salsa, motorcycles, WWI, Belgian Wheat beers, bicycling, molten hot metal, poker, cats, dive bars, things that are heavier than I am, free pool, women, WWII, wing tipped shoes, other things involving fire and brimstone, fine carpentry, Bourbon, a well crafted hamburger with fries, and being gregarious at all times.
Aristotle, Plato, Jesus, Muhommed, Buddha, Pythagorus, Nietsche, Sartre, Clarke Gable, Marilyn Monroe, Chuck Jones, Salvador Dali, Max Ernst, Leonardo Da vinci, Michaelangelo Buoneratti, The weird old guy from original Kung Fu, Alberto Giacometti, Constantin Brancusi, Robert Rodriguez, Keith Moon, Les Claypool, Ashley Olsen (whatever you have to say about this one, fuck off, ok?), Georges Braque, David Bowie, Roger Waters, Marlena Dietrich, Greta Garbo, the Marx Brothers, John Rotton, and maybe, just
I am an appreciator of many genres. I really enjoy old school jazz and blues, big band standards and the like. I love original rock like Hendrix and Clapton. British Invasion, the folk rock movement (CSNY, Dylan, etc). And I dig all the garage band stuff from the 90's and even some of the crap you hipster's listen to like modest mouse and pavement is stomachable, But if you want to rock my socks off its got to be Punk Rock and New Wave. Wha can I say? The 80's were it for music. It will never be the same.
Robert Rodriguez, Quentin Tarentino, David Lynch, Billy Wilder, Tim Burton, Walt Disney (when he was actually alive), Ridley Scott, James Cameron (before that movie about the ship), John Waters, the Coen Brothers, M. Night Shamaylan, Speilberg (except for AI) Lucasarts (not Lucas, just his production company, Lucas is the worlds worst director), Jim Henson, Terry Gilliam, Ed wood, many more but the more of these damn things I fill out the lazier I get
Don't own one. Don't want one. Don't need one. There is a reason they call it the idiot box.... Idiot.Once upon there was a place called a Library. It was the repository of all man's history, knowledge, greatness, weakness, and success, failure, granduer and horror. Then someone invented something called reality television, and the Library went ignored and unused until it was forgotton completely. Man lost his way, became docile, ignorant, fat and helpless. He had forgotten what joys awaited him outside his front door, beyond the next hill, accross the oceans and in the skies. He sought only material joys and base physical pleasures. He knew not that he could die at any moment, and that people were constantly working to take away his basic freedom to eat cheetos and watch reruns of Ren and Stimpy. By the time man realized his folly he was too late. The Library had crumbled and fallen to dust, and mankind lay at the foot of its conquerors without any means to defend itself. It was eradicated by its own sloth
Nowhere to really put this so... LOOK AT MY ART DAMMIT! - e&.src=ph&store=&prodid=&.done=http%3a//phot
Salvador Dali, Alberto Giacometti, Odysseus, My grandfather, Aristotle, Ceasar Augustus, Benjamion Franklin, Theodore Roosevelt, Thomas Jefferson