Anime, Books and Reading, Cartoons, Comic books, Drawing, Watching movies, animals, music, and all that Jazz...I also have a Deviant Art site, so head on over and check out some of the artwork I've done!
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Pretty much anything. I don't have much tolerance for rap or country, but I am willing to make certain exceptions. My playlists are probably the most random things you will find. Ever. Anywho, I love music, I can't imagine life without it, however, I myself fail at creating any type of music. I've tried clarinet and guitar, and I failed miserably at both. C'est la vie, though, I can still enjoy other peoples work.
Well, I'm a film minor, and I hope to go into film for a living...Soooo, I pretty much love all movies, even if they suck, and I can appreciate them for what hard work and effort went into them. But, just because, here are a few of my personal favorites. The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (I'm obsessed) pretty much all comic book adaptations unless they're too terrible to watch, Harry Potter, Serenity, Legend, Labryinth, Anime movies of pretty much any kind, The Matrix trilogy, Equilibrium, The original Star Wars Trilogy and not any of that new crap (NOOOOOOOOO!), Action movies and comedies, along the lines of National Treasure and Dodgeball (yay for mindless humor) I also love old movies, like anything by Alfred Hitchcock, my personal favorite of his being Rope, or Stanely Kubrick, because Dr. Strangelove kicks sooo much ass. Stuff like Some Like it Hot, Arsenic and Old lace, and Annie Hall are on my list of oldies but goodies too. If we want to get into the really old stuff, I adore the works of Buster Keaton, The Marx Brothers (Duck Soup!) and Charlie Chaplin. I think that old movies like these are really overlooked in this day and age, so I'm constantly trying to get my friends to watch these things, even though they are in black and white and don't have any huge epic space battles or the like. If I succeed in getting them to watch the whole movie, they pretty much end up enjoying it. Oh, and I also 3 anything Monty Python, and can quote far too much of it. K, I think I'm done... for now! BWAHAHA! ;p
ADULT SWIM!!! I love family guy, futurama, Inuyasha, Full Metal Alchemist, Sea Lab 2021, ATHF, and pretty much the rest of the Adult Swim lineup with the exception of Tom goes to the Mayor, cuz it's dumb. As for the live action stuff, I like sitcoms like Everyone loves Raymond, CSI, The Dead Zone, Firefly (which is sadly off the air now), Arrested Development, Psych, and of course Heroes!
The Lord of the Rings trilogy + most of the extra texts ( I already know Runes, and I will learn elvish!) The Harry Potter series, Ivanhoe, pretty much anything by Mark Twain but in particular A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, the Xanth series by Piers Anthony, Candide by Voltaire, Brave New World by Aldous Huxley (creepy and on the mark) The Sword of Truth novels, the works of Ovid (in particular The Amores ;) ), the Kushiels Legacy series by Jaqueline Carey (if you like history, intrigue, and perhaps a little of the dark side of human nature, I definitely recommend these) and pretty much any other fantasy or satire novel. Oh, and we can't forget the comic books! In short, I own and have read faaar too many books, and if I were to list them all, chances are I'd give myself carpal tunnel or something...
.. width="425" height="350" ..^this guy