1SXE-MINI profile picture


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About Me

Hey! My name is Per Hans and I am a photography teacher at Spruce Creek High School in Port Orange, Florida (ranked 54th best high school in the country), and an Adjunct Photography Instructor at Daytona Beach Community College. My students all call me "Mr. Rom". I also work as the Chief Exhibition Preparator at the Southeast Museum of Photography at DBCC. I have been teaching for almost 30 years, my how time flies! I have taught a million kids photography and can't go anywhere in town without a smiling face and a "hello Rom" from my former students.Speaking of flying, I hold a private pilots license as well as an A&P mechanics license. I started flying when I was in high school and soloed on my 16th birthday. I am a graduate of Embry Riddle Aeronautical University, hold a BS in Art Education from The University of Wisconsin, and MFA in photography from the Savannah College of Art and Design.I am also interested in sports cars and currently drive 1SXE-MINI. I got tired of arguing with my wife over who would get to drive the Mini, so we got one for her (SXEMINI-2). We now have two thirds of the "Italian Job". I got started with sports cars by racing a 1956 Porsche Speedster with my two older brothers. I could kill myself for selling it for $3500 with a trailer 3 engines and 2 gearboxs. I think they now sell for over 80 grand. My wife and I participated in numerous road rallies and auto-x throughout the Midwest. I restored several Porsches which were sold during our child raising years.The Mini has revived my thrill of driving once again. We are members of Sunshineminis.org (www.sunshineminis.org) which is a great group of Mini enthusiasts. I have a lovely wife, Beckie, and two children, Juliana, and Brett. Juliana is a photographer and works for the Southeast Museum of Photography and the ArtHaus. Brett is a "Rock Star" and is the drummer for Iamtheavalanche, (www.iamtheavalanche.com) Both my wife and I love to travel and hope to do more traveling when I finally retire. BTW: I am known as the "Master Punster".. Home | Browse | Search | Invite | Film | Mail | Blog | Favorites | Forum | Groups | Events | Videos | Music | Comedy | Classifieds

My Interests

Aviation, Sports Cars (MINIs and Porsches), Music (afterall my son is a "Rock Star"), and Travel.

I'd like to meet:

All the great photographers of the world, but working for the Southeast Museum of Photography, I've meet a great number of them.


Iamtheavalanche, Diana Krall, Nora Jones,DMB,Dido,Coldplay


Of course "The Italian Job"


CBS "Sunday Morning" my only day of rest!


Too many to list as I am a collector of Photography and Art Books.


Jimmy Carter