making art, tribal belly dancing, alice in wonderland, thunderstorms, finding space to be alone, books, chaos, coffee, honest communication, computers, destruction, food stuff, revolution, fire, sounds, nakedness, growing, painting, rain, revolution, peeling back layers, the beauty of peoples dark spaces, sleeping, pirates, softness, connected consciousness, the ocean, bare feet, dancing, collage, silliness, really cool shrinky dinks, working in my garden, birth, reading, discovering new music, herbs, spending time with the people I love, activism, teaching women about how to trust their bodies (still a learning process for myself), knitting, movies, beer, making out, BELLY LAUGHS, dancing, the ocean, cypress trees, my animals, mad libs, learning new things about the world, geeks, laying in the grass, sensuality, risks, elephants, texture, building community, wood cabins, sound of drums, chocolate
PJ Harvey, tori amos, ani difranco, butchies, the pixies, LeTigre, Be Good Tanyas, doria roberts, Lauryn Hill, hooverphonic, jeff buckley,Heartless Bastards, my brightest diamond, melissa ferrick, tribe called quest, amy steinberg, weezer, sonic youth, the smiths, death cab for cutie,nick drake, nina simone, the stars, anything i can bellydance to and soooooooo much more
Secretary, WhaleRider, Lost In Translation, Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind, Goonies, Magnolia, Brazil, Legend of Billie Jean, Staying Alive or any other cheesy bad 80's dance movie, Rushmore, Royal Tenenbaums, Dangerous Beauty, American Beauty, Office Space, Tim Burton movies, Garden State
ER, Simpsons, Kids in the Hall, The State, Daily Show, Adventures of Pete and Pete, Grey's Anatomy, Project Runway
Invisible Monsters, The Fifth Sacred Thing, The Handmaids Tale, Brave New World, Refuge, Anything by Alice Walker or Audre Lorde, Solar Storms, anything by Tom Robbins, spell of the sensuous, the secret life of bees, the moon under her feet
emma goldman, frida kahlo, Medea Benjamin and all the women in CODEPINK, Audre Lorde, Judy Chicago, Alice Paul, my mom, my aunt julie