Hosted at I train in Tae Kwon Do and I LOVE it! Although I have only been studying TKD for about a year and a half, I can't possibly imagine my life without it and I am fortunate to have the best instructors ever! I recently started running and I just love how it makes me feel.I also love to read and write. I enjoy eating really good food. The only things I like to collect are quotes, books, and hugs. I am addicted to lip gloss and coffee. :) I practice Yoga because it relaxes me although I haven't done much of it since I started TKD. I love to dance! I love astrology. I am a true Sagittarius!!!
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I listen to pretty much everything. I have different musical preferences depending on what kind of mood I am in. I have recently developed a fondness for gospel music. I listen to it on the way to work every Sunday morning. I find it to be very uplifting. I also love R&B -- Alicia Keys, Toni Braxton, Tracy Chapman, India Arie, Mariah Carey and Destiny's Child. I also like country: Carrie Underwood, Kenny Chesney, and I LOVE Rascal Flatts.
There aren't many movies I don't like. Since I love to laugh, I really enjoy comedies. I am a sucker for romance movies but I also LOVE action and fighting movies. Some of my favorites: The Notebook, Joe Dirt, Coach Carter, Serendipity, 8 Mile, Message in a Bottle, Bloodsport, Open Water, Tommy Boy, Son-in-Law, Dirty Dancing, and Meet the Fockers, 40 Year Old Virgin, The Terminal.
Besides watching the Detroit Pistons go to work, my two favorite TV shows are Supernanny and Suze Orman. The best show ever: Sex in the City. I just got hooked on "I Shouldn't Be Alive" on the Discovery Channel.
I am reading the best book right now: A Million Little Pieces. I read about whatever it is I am interested in at the time. Mostly I read about astrology,psychology, relationships, money, spirituality, simple living, pretty much anything inspirational or motivational.
The usual... Gandhi, Mother Theresa, Martin Luther King, Jr., my Mom, and Grandmaster Rose.href=""
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