Fraud profile picture


New site looks awesome, coming soon.

About Me

Fraud began in June of 2002 as a joke.

I had become burned out with real bands, the practicing, the hauling equipment regardless of whether or not it was for a few hundred kids or 10. I decided that for a X-Mas present for all of my friends, I was going to make a CD on my computer using Acid Pro and Sound Forge. Something entirely written by me. I had been twiddling my thumbs for a while and was feeling creative again so it was kind of a natural progression to want to do things on my own time without the headaches of others.

I started writing these stupid joke songs, and one just came out after another. I laced the CD with a couple serious ones, since I'm a pretty depressing person, and wha-la! Fraud was born.

Fraud is more of an extension of me and who I am than anything I've done before, because I'm doing it all MY way. Every single song either lives or dies by how I made it. If it sounds shitty, it's my fault.. if it's awesome... well that's my fault too.
I started playing and writing stuff in probably 1993, which would mean I've been making music for well over a decade. Needless to say, it sounds a hell of a lot better than it used to.

..Fraud began in June of 2002 as a joke.

I had become burned out with real bands, the practicing, the hauling equipment regardless of whether or not it was for a few hundred kids or 10. I decided that for a X-Mas present for all of my friends, I was going to make a CD on my computer using Acid Pro and Sound Forge. Something entirely written by me. I had been twiddling my thumbs for a while and was feeling creative again so it was kind of a natural progression to want to do things on my own time without the headaches of others.

I started writing these stupid joke songs, and one just came out after another. I laced the CD with a couple serious ones, since I'm a pretty depressing person, and wha-la! Fraud was born.

Fraud is more of an extension of me and who I am than anything I've done before, because I'm doing it all MY way. Every single song either lives or dies by how I made it. If it sounds shitty, it's my fault.. if it's awesome... well that's my fault too.
I started playing and writing stuff in probably 1993, which would mean I've been making music for well over a decade. Needless to say, it sounds a hell of a lot better than it used to.

Throughout most of the 90's I recorded every song I could think of, covers, originals and so on. Most of that stuff ended up as boombox recordings called The Pocket Lint Project. It's some of the worst stuff anyone will ever hear, but I'm sure I'll surface some of it on this site. If anything, it shows the natural progression I went through musically.

From late 1995-1998 I played in a Green Bay, Wisconsin based band called the Vanilla Jacksons for a few years, they did pretty well, got to play shows with some of my favorite bands including The Muffs, The Donnas, Groovie Ghoulies, Chixdiggit, New Bomb Turks, and Teen Idols.

After that band, I moved on to the Pistol Pez Whatleys, who lasted about a year or so but but did pretty well in the same scene.

Shortly after the end of the Whatleys, I became pretty dejected and stayed out of the music scene for a very long time. And in the mid 2000's I was in the Bay Park Squares. There were actually quite a few Fraud songs that were adopted by that band, and it was probably the last time I'll be in an all-out group that plays live. The breakup was sudden and pretty heartbreaking for me, so I pretty much vowed to stick to solo stuff for the rest of my musical life.

Now Fraud has produced 4 cd's and taught me a lot about producing music on my own. This project has slowly but surely went from something meant to be a joke to a small labor of love for me. It's the one place where I can write everything the way I hear it in my head, and nobody can change it. It's an amazing thing to do and it makes me feel musically free on a daily basis. I just hope people who hear it can hear the time and effort and thought that I put into it. It's far from perfect, but it's 100% musical freedom.

Thanks for taking the time to read this,

-Jesse Wait (Fraud)

Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting

My Interests


Member Since: 12/3/2005
Band Website: On the way soon!!
Band Members: LOL

Fraud was most likely influenced by you, and the fucked up shit you do.

Sounds Like:

Type of Label: None

My Blog

There is nothing to see here

So you can stop looking for whatever breaking news you are waiting for.I see all of you. Hi. Hope you found what you are looking for.Wait. I take that back. I did make a new image macro earlier in the...
Posted by Fraud on Sat, 04 Aug 2007 11:42:00 PST

One more track

Guitarded now has one track left... it's going to be done within days. This is awesome good news. This took 2 years. I am so freakin' glad it's done.Jon is going to be all over Fraud 5. So luck the fu...
Posted by Fraud on Sat, 21 Jul 2007 01:06:00 PST

Happy 4th, myspace friends.

Happy 4th of July to you all from sunny Florida. I hope everyone has a great and safe Holiday... remember, a ton of booze + fireworks= retarded. Go watch someone sober shoot them off you dopes. No DSL...
Posted by Fraud on Tue, 03 Jul 2007 08:33:00 PST

56k... wow that's fast!!

Seriously, I am typing this on a 56k connection, it's all that's here until I get my DSL hooked up... it's hilariously bad. I went to see how long it would take to download say, an episode of a radio ...
Posted by Fraud on Thu, 21 Jun 2007 03:42:00 PST

I made it.

Seriously, could riding through mountains and shit suck anymore? The good news, I'm not in Green Bay.
Posted by Fraud on Wed, 13 Jun 2007 09:41:00 PST

I'm out.

This is my last day in Green Bay, tomorrow I move to Tampa.I'll miss a bunch of you, others not so much.You all know who you are. Thanks to everyone who made being here worthwhile.It's time to escape ...
Posted by Fraud on Thu, 07 Jun 2007 11:32:00 PST

My music player is down at the bottom now

And it has more songs.... so great.
Posted by Fraud on Sun, 20 May 2007 04:49:00 PST


It only took you about 7 visits in 10 minutes to finally take a hint.Thanks for visiting my myspace, open to all 24/7.
Posted by Fraud on Mon, 23 Apr 2007 06:42:00 PST

So I guess it's on...

Finally broke the news to my Mom that I'm getting the fuck out of Green Bay, and traveling a long ways away, because this town is a fucking cesspool full of grade A douchebags.Well okay, it wasn't put...
Posted by Fraud on Sat, 14 Apr 2007 10:51:00 PST

That's right.. I said it... NAPPY HEADED HO'S

That opportunist piece of shit Al Sharpton's latest tirade that has resulted in Don Imus being removed from the simulcast of his radio show on MSNBC has got me more upset than anything in a long time....
Posted by Fraud on Thu, 12 Apr 2007 08:21:00 PST