~Vow 2 Neva Fall Like Soap on a Rope~ profile picture

~Vow 2 Neva Fall Like Soap on a Rope~

You better watch out for ur gurl T...heart still beats but don't feel no sympathy. You better watch

About Me

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I'M LIVING MY FUCKIN' LIFE!! Right now, I'm living my life and enjoying every moment of it. I'm an outgoing person that loves to have fun. I like to party, hang wit my niggas, and do wut I do. I also like chillin wit that special person, you know who u are. I'm reppin STATUS ENTERTAINMENT to the fullest...STATUS ENT....WE ALL WE GOT!!!! I don't like drama, but don't get it twisted...I WILL BEAT A BITCH ASS....FUCK WUT YA HEARD!!! THIS IS THE YEAR OF 2007, AND TALKING SHIT IS OVER...I DON'T HAVE TIME TO ARGUE OVER DUMB SHIT, CUZ LIFE IS TOO SHORT. I'D RATHER BEAT YO ASS AND GET IT OVER WIT, SO I DON'T HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT U BITCHES (u know who u are)TALKING SHIT. And if none of this applies to u...then i suggest u keep it movin. Me and my niggas are showstoppers, and the people depend on us to get the party poppin. But its all good, cuz everyone has a purpose in life....Some people are meant to lead and others are meant to follow, so all u swagger-jackers, follow my lead...I don't mind, cuz ur gurl is the truth, and they say "the truth will come to the light, so errbody grab yo shades cuz ur gurl dat bright!!!" Words of one of the best Jay-Z. In all, I'm a real ass chick, and if u want to know more, get at me!!!!
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AND FOR U SILLY HOES OUT THERE, THIS IS FOR YA'LL (u know who u are): 1.) Don't try and confront me over some bullshit about a nigga. I got mines and I'm happy with wut i have. And besides, confronting me is only gone get ur feelings hurt, cuz i'm going to do nuthin but tell u the truth about ur man...i'ma give u the who wut, when, where, why, and how's about ur man, so do urself the favor and save urself from heartache and don't ask me about no dumb shit. CHECK YO MAN BITCH!!!
2.) If you don't even go wit a nigga...ya'll are just fuckin...don't get mad at me when the nigga try and talk to me. If he wuz YO NIGGA...THEN HE WOULD BE WITH U....hence the keyword ur nigga. Therefore, if he is not urs and he tryna talk, fuck, or wutever he tryna do, then FUCK YO FEELINGS BITCH!!! Stop being so stupid, giving the pussy up soooo freely if u want a relationship. If u wanna fuck....FINE!!! But if u tryna be wifey, grow the fuck up and get yo shit together and stop blamin me when the nigga don't want ur ass...cuz trust, i probally didn't want the nigga either...ya dig!!!
3.) If none of this applied to u...then keep it movin. I don't have "beef" wit anybody, cuz not liking u isn't gonna make my life any better, and if it ain't upgradin my life then i ain't got shit to do wit it...ya dig!!! If u feel offended by anything that i just said, then i was probally refering to you or ur lifestyle and u might want to check yoself. And if u have problems wit me...address them to me...I'm where I'm at...all day, errday!!! AND ONCE AGAIN...IF IT DOES NOT APPLY TO U, THEN KEEP IT MOVIN, AND IF U OFFENDED...FUCK YO FEELINGS BITCH!!!Layout Provided By CodeMyLayout.com - Myspace Layouts

My Interests

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tons of questions that show your in depth side!
whats your name?: Trishena Q. Bolt
what do people call you?: Trishena...Shena....Shing Bing....Myrtle (inside joke)
where you named after anything?: nope
if you were born the oppisite sex what would your name be?: don't know...never thought to ask about it...
do people spell/say your name wrong?: yes, all the time, i used to hate the first day of school.
if you could change your name what would you change it to?: never thought about it, but would change my name
gender?: female
birthday?: July 4, 1988...its all about them CANCERS!!!
age?: fresh 18...yes, i'm legal
age you act?: early 20's...still have some growing to do...but i'm oh so mature.
age you want to be?: 21....ready to by my alcohol without haveing to call around to ask people.
height?: 5'7"
eye color?: brown
happy with it?: yes
natural hair color?: dark brown
happy with it? if not do you dye it?: i liked it, but it got boring, so i dyed it.
righty or lefty?: right
family?: yeah
pets?: no
peircings?: yeah
tatoos?: yeah
love and stuff
single?: in the middle...but yeah, u can say i'm single
who are you with, or who do you want to be with?: u know who u are....(mike's alias)...lol!!!!
are you in love?: nah, but want to be someday
have you ever been in love, if so how many times?: i've been in lust....not real love yet
do you believe in love at first sight?: yeah
is it possible to be faithful to one person for ever?: if that person was amazing all around, but haven't found nobody like dat yet.
do you want to get married?: yeah...later in life
do you want to have kids?: yeah....wayyyyy later in life
how many?: 2-4
do you believe in divorce?: yeah...people make mistakes
do you belive in true love?: yeah
do you consider love a mistake?: sometimes
turn-ons?: someone who makes me laugh, realness, honesty, sex appeal, someone that has a nice swagger, pretty smile
turns-offs?: bad breath, ugly feet, no style, stupidity
do you think the oppisite sex finds you attractive?: is O.J. guilty???? lol!!!
what is best about the opposite sex?: do u really want to know!!!! "And this is for dem gurls dat be luvin...the D!!!"
what is worst about the oppisite sex?: they think they know everything
are you a virgin?: nah, but even though iain't a virgin...dat don't mean i'm havin sex wit ya!!!
do you belive you should be in love to have sex?: nope
how far have you gone?: next!!!
how many people have you had sex with?: damn...all up in the koolaid, just know i ain't no hoe, but a gurl got needs....ya dig!!!
do other people consider you a slut?: i've never been called a hoe by anyone that i know of...not even any of my enemies, so u be the judge.
right at this moment...
where are you?: in my room, bred as shit
what can you see out your window?: a tree with no leaves, and an empty table thats usually full of people smoking.
are you listening to music?: no
are you lonely or tired?: a little lonely
use 5 words to decribe how you are feeling:: hungry, relaxed, eager, appreciative, happy
are you talking to anyone ..? if so who?: nah
are you talking to anyone of the phone? if so who?: nah
what are you wearing?: just got out the shower...a robe wit my undies on underneath
what are you doing?: this fuckin survey
whats on your mousepad?: don't have one, laptop...upgrade!!!
how many true friends do you have?: 4
are you a loner?: a little bit, but istill like to network and meet a lot of people, but i sitll keep my distance
who is your best friend?: Patricia T. Cureton....my muthafuckin nigga through thick and thin
oldest?: Patricia
newest?: Tesha R. Davis...my lil nigga
shyest?: Sheena...aka Big Booty Judy
loudest?: Patricia and Jay
smartest?: Karen
ditziest?: Patricia
funniest?: all dem bitches funny
who is the best listener?: Ce and Tesha
do you prefer to hang out with one friend or a group of friends?: group, but me and my nigga Pat keeps it movin when its just me and her too...we do the damn thang either way!!!
who do you wish you were closer to?: Ce...but dats stillmy nigga doe
who knows the most about you?: Patricia T. Cureton
who knows the least about you?: Anyone I consider my friend means they stepped over the barrier, so they all know a lil somehting about me.
who do you trust the most?: Patricia and Jay
the least?: I trust all of em
who do you fight with the most?: none of us fight
who do you talk to .. the most?: Sheena, Jay, Tesha
who do you talk to on the phone the most?: Patricia
do you trust others easily?: nah...TRUST NO NIGGAS, OR BITCHES
name one who's arms you feel safe in:: umm...u know who u are
who house were you at last?: does a dorm room count, if so...Tesha's
who's your second family?: to tell u the truth, all my friends are fam, but i see them as friends, cuz blood, u have to like them muthafuckas, but u choose to like ur friends.
who lives the farthest away?: Jay
do you....
smoke?: Everyday after work, you'll probally catch me rollin up...only dat good shit...haze, lime green, heddys, mid, dro, az...the list goes on
drink alcohol?: yeah, but i haven't been drinkin lately
do drugs?: only the marijuana smoke
pray?: i try to every night
go to church?: yeah, when i get up early enough
sleep with stuffed animals?: nah
take walks in the rain?: fuck no!!! I barely go to class when its raining!!!
dance in the rain?: fuck no!!! I ain't Mary fuckin Poppins!!!
do any sports? if so which ones?: nah, i'm a spectator...lol!!!
sleep around?: fuck no!!!
lie a lot?: try not to, but sometimes i gotta tell dese hoes wut they wanna hear, and if u not one of my hoes, then that does not concern u.
steal?: have stolen before, but not no more
gamble?: nah
have you ever....
kissed a stranger?: no
slept with a stranger?: no
spun until you were so dizzy you couldn't walk?: yeah
screamed so much you lost your voice?: every weekend at the club!!!
laughed so much it was painful?: heck yeah!!!
cried so much it was painful?: yeah...i wuz going through some things...
gone skinny dipping?: nah
played strip poker?: yep
had a medical emergency?: yeah, i bruised my bone, and i got shot....yeah ya gurls another 50 cent...15 cent maybe???
ran away from home?: yeah, but i had my reasons
done something extremely unexpected?: yeah
slept outside?: nah
been onstage?: yeah
deep stuff....
whats your biggest fear?: death, rejection, failing
what was your weirdest dream?: i always have weird dreams
scariest dream?: my mother and my grandmother died...something i don't want to experience...
do you have a reoccuring dream?: yeah
what was your best dream?: can't tell u that
what IS your dream?: to be successful
do you live in the moment?: yeah, tomorrow is ever promised
what you greatest stregth?: i'm a strong person and i can deal with a lot of shit
whats your greatest weakness?: but going through things made me become emotionally blocked, so i don't show my emotions to anyone i don't think i can trust...men lie, women lie, numbers don't
do you have a motto you live by?: "men lie, women lie, numbers don't"..."they say the truth will come to the light, so errbody grab yo shades cuz ur gurl day bright"..."TNN..TRUST NO NIGGA!!!"
if your life were a movie what would it be called?: Im a Survivor
do you have any bad habits?: biting my nails
do you have any secrets?: alot
are you fake?: the realest chick in the game right now...u better know it!!!
what do you want to do in life?: go above and beyond all those silly hoes that doubted me and talked shit about me.
are you a daredevil?: yeah
are you predictable?: nah, i like to keepit fresh
do you keep a journal/diary?: no...i need to, to help with the book i'ma right later in life
if you could change one thing about you would you? what would it be?: yeah, i would want to be patient and not let petty shit bother me, but eight now, i can't seem to let them birds fly, cuz simple shit gets to me, but God is working on me.
if you were someone else, would you be friends with yourself?: yeah, i have a lot of knowledge to share with others
do you think your a good person?: yeah, and a lot of other people agree
do you think your emotionally strong?: yeah...that's one of my strengths, becuz i don't show any emotion
do you regret anything?: nah, i just use it as life lessons
do you think life has been good so far?: yeah, but it can only get better
what do you like most about you body?: my ass, small waist, nice tits, the whole nine...
least?: ankles
are you trust worthy?: yeah
are you gullible?: nah...i ain't no stupid hoe...trix are for kids bitches, i'ma grown ass women!!!
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I'd like to meet:


What "Flavor of Love2" girl are you??

you are Bootz
you are crazy, loud, outrageous and sexxii. Also very argumentative and always get your way!
Take The Quiz Now! Quizzes by myYearbook.com

You scored as Mya. Woohu!! Youre a Mya!! You believe that happiness doesnt have to come at a cost. You always try your hardest at everything you do and you would even risk your life to make your family happy. You go girl!!








Which girlfriend are you?(from the hit tv show girlfriends)
created with QuizFarm.com


I love anything that has a nice beat to it. Anything that i can dance to. You have a sexual IQ of 123

When it comes to sex, you are a super genius. You have had a lot of experience, and sex interests you so you know a lot about it. You pride yourself on being a source of information and guidance to all of your friends.

Take this quiz at QuizUniverse.com


I love funny movies. Friday, Don't Be a Menace, etc.... I also love gangsta movies. Scarface, Dead Presidents, etc...


America's Next Top Model, The Simpson's, Run's House, anything on UPN, MTV, VH1, or BET.


Confessions of a Video Vixen...I had nothing else to do, so I read the book, and it was very interesting, but i wouldn't waste my personal money on buying it.


God grandmother and my mother. God has a plan for me, and i know it because he is constantly taking me off the wrong path and setting me straight. My grandmother is the only person who loves me, and encorages me to do my best. My mother lives everyday of her life to the fullest, and don't give a fuck what people say about her. For these reasons, these people are my heroes.

My Blog


First off, I can settle all the so called beef between jessica and i wit one phrase..."YA'LL NEVA WENT TOGETHA!!!"  When will u get dat through ur big ass head.  He neva wanted u...whic...
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sex jokes

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My cuzzin's gonna be a star!!!!!!!

Yeah, i know u like the music on my page.  That's my cuzzin Ravon...a.k.a. Jamarius.  I know his shit is hot.  Don't hate,n jus listen and enjoy!!!
Posted by ~Vow 2 Neva Fall Like Soap on a Rope~ on Tue, 12 Sep 2006 09:13:00 PST

17 signs of falling in LOVE

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listen to my cousin

The music on my page is brought to you by an up-and-coming artist named Ravon.  He is my cousin and he is about to do big thangs, ya feel me!!   Listen to his song on my page and tell m...
Posted by ~Vow 2 Neva Fall Like Soap on a Rope~ on Fri, 28 Jul 2006 04:01:00 PST

Ready to hit the tre-4

I don't know about everyone else, but i am definately ready to hit the tre-4 up.  i am ready to hit that club up wit all my niggas and i know I'm not alone, so hit me up....
Posted by ~Vow 2 Neva Fall Like Soap on a Rope~ on Mon, 24 Jul 2006 09:33:00 PST