hardcore, punk, the straight edge, running, shows, books, band, records, friends, sports, strength training, japan, touring, traveling, history, vegan food, movies, guns, paintball
this beauty:
hardcore, punk, OI!, 60s soul, 70s funk, 80s pop, some wave and indie, old school rap...pretty much everything that doesn't suck
love all the good 70s stuff, everything by david lynch and stanley kubrick. current fave: dear wendy
Twin Peaks, The Sopranos, Shogun, Magnum, documentry shows: history, wars, weapons, nature, animals,
eiji yoshikawa's "musashi"! everythingl by michel houellebecq, kurt vonnegut, t.c. boyle, paul auster, bret easton ellis, charles bukowski... some thomas mann, franz kafka, fjodr m. dostojewsk, albert camus...