music is the only One for me.
my neighbors in the universe next door.
quite sincere here. ranges from beethoven, mahler, fuck, anything palestrina when im in the mood to radioheadbangers, slipsnot, slayer and pantera tool primus mr. patton. many female artiists old liz phair bjork lamb portishead but who doesn't like trip-hopanyway, fiona apple ummm how about mmw, ozric tentacles duke ellington the count and other big bands tom waits ween dj shadow, king krimson any ragas and of course, the prototype. new bands everyday. i could never do it justice. i think right now i'm into hearing a lot of local original music also. any recommendations? ..
yes; in fact, we have two of them in our household.
yesterday its the twelfth planet, today it is taking the quantum leap, the dancing wu li masters, and the tao of physics. (its a recap thing) also the apocrypha and all the potter series and um as many graphic novels as i can afford, the preacher, the boys, ex machina, sandman finally, the zohar
cruiser the cat who has buddha-nature.