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About Me

Hey, I'm Nicole. I'm 18 and a freshman at Seton Hall U. I must say I'm not too thrilled about jumping on the myspace bandwagon. Live Journals are soooo much better. Of course I think so, as I write for self-expression. LoL. Yet, here I am... Status: Currently obsessed with anything Elisabeth, Drew Sarich, Hugh Panaro, or Finnish, German, Austrian, Dutch, Hungarian, etc., and trading or burning musical theater bootlegs. They worked their butts off and got nothing for this show. This cast deserves all the support they can get. ^ My current obsession... ; )

My Interests

Writing, drawing, looking at art, thinking, reading, theatre (preferably German musical theatre), filming, watching good movies, singing, NYC, forests, making music, being happy. oh, and musicians.

I'd like to meet:

Umm, DEFINITELY anyone who was in the Original or Revival Wien casts of Elisabeth. And of course the Essen cast! (Simply amazing!) Then Hugh Panaro, Jim Stanek and Aaron Lazar I guess. But I'd love to meet anyone who was in the casts of Lestat or Jaques Brel again. Each and every one of them is truly amazing.Drew Sarich singing Bein' Green with Kermit the Frog. Because he's awesome and he can. Adorable. Amazing company number: Milch from Elisabeth.Pia Douwes inElisabethDie Kuss von der Tod. Uwe Kroger and Pia Douwes in Elisabeth. Uwe =


Apocalyptica, HIM, Citizen Cope, Incubus, Green Day, Linkin Park (older stuff), Beatles, Cream, Queen, Sting, Drew Sarich (International Victim) , Hugh Panaro, Evanescence, Fall Out (down) Boy, Death Cab For Cutie, AFI, Matisyahu, a lot of what most people would call "instrumental shit", show tunes, and a whole bunch of other random songs/bands I can't think of as of the moment.


Harry Potter, Newsies, Lord of the Rings, The Chronicles of Narnia, Interview With the Vampire, Take the Lead, The Da Vinci Code, The Graduate, All the Brat Pack movies, Moulin Rouge, Tristan and Isolde, Pirates of the Caribbean, Rent, Phantom of the Opera (POTO a.k.a. potatoes), Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, Saved!, Robin Hood and the Prince of Thieves, The Three Musketeers, Jungle 2 Jungle, Hook, Cinemaparadiso


Let's see. American Idol sucks. One Tree Hill is good. I don't watch TV. It's pointless. Period.


Rebecca, The Vampire Chronicles, Jane Eyre, Anything by Dickens, Twilight, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, Running Out of Time, A Tale of Two Cities, A Doll's House, The Chronicles of Narnia, The Mediator Series, Tithe, Replica, Turnabout, Little Women, Tess of the D'ubervilles, The Canterbury Tales, To Kill A Mockingbird, Lord of the Flies, Brave New World, Oedipus Rex, The Great Gatsby


Someone not afraid to be themselves and speak first, I guess. And then these guys: Drew Sarich Pia Douwes Hugh Panaro Rod Hill Jim Stanek Allison Fischer Carolee Carmello Adam Pascal Aaron Lazar Michael Shawn Lewis

My Blog

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Posted by Nicole on Thu, 26 Jan 2006 03:21:00 PST