Hi all.........single father of 1 (7 year old boy) looking to meet new people.
35 years old (but look much younger) light-brown hair , blue eyes .
I have a variety of interests but only time for a few. I am into computers, trying to stay fit, cars, music and PC games.
I am honest, l am lazy, I procrastinate, I am a thinker so don't expect a quick witted response, Don't be decieved for i can be quick witted, I am a reactor in time of need, I won't over react in dire times, I am relexed, I am content, I see things from all angles and if I change my mind it don't make me a hypocrit it just means I see it differently now that I see it another way, I am a child still waiting to grow up, I matured earlier than others, I am who I am and only I change who I will be, I am me.
I have 6 tatoo's, one on my left calf, 4 on my left tricept (large head), one right between my shoulder blades. I have my left ears peirced (don't wear it much) and my left nipple peired. Yes, the tat on my back hurt worse than the peircing.
I am still trying to figure out what I want to do for the rest of my life. I have only found part of myself but I know who I am and what i stand up for. I have morales that were ground into me from my childhood. My parents were my biggest influences. They were role models for what I never want to be. I still love them for they have paved the way.
I love talking to people and learning different cultures. I have been to Port Quetzal, Guatemala x5; Matzalan, Mexico; Acapullco, Mexico; Porta Vayarta, Mexico x2, Manzanilla, Mexico; Panama x29; Ocho Rios, Jamaica; Cuba; Manta Equidor; Hawaii; Guam x3; Okinawa, Japan; Yakusika, Japan; Singapore x7; Pataya Beach, Thailand x6; Lamut, Malaysia x3; Tai Pai, China; Sarubaya, Indonesia x2; Bali, Indonesia; Manilla, Philipines; Papau New Gineua; Darwin, Australia; and Cochin, India. I probalbly missed some places and yes that was from my 12 years serving in the armed forces.
Any other questions that have about me, drop me a line and maybe i can answer them for you.