Robert profile picture


<b.......Just relaxing....</b

About Me

Hi all.........single father of 1 (7 year old boy) looking to meet new people.

35 years old (but look much younger) light-brown hair , blue eyes .

I have a variety of interests but only time for a few. I am into computers, trying to stay fit, cars, music and PC games.

I am honest, l am lazy, I procrastinate, I am a thinker so don't expect a quick witted response, Don't be decieved for i can be quick witted, I am a reactor in time of need, I won't over react in dire times, I am relexed, I am content, I see things from all angles and if I change my mind it don't make me a hypocrit it just means I see it differently now that I see it another way, I am a child still waiting to grow up, I matured earlier than others, I am who I am and only I change who I will be, I am me.

I have 6 tatoo's, one on my left calf, 4 on my left tricept (large head), one right between my shoulder blades. I have my left ears peirced (don't wear it much) and my left nipple peired. Yes, the tat on my back hurt worse than the peircing.

I am still trying to figure out what I want to do for the rest of my life. I have only found part of myself but I know who I am and what i stand up for. I have morales that were ground into me from my childhood. My parents were my biggest influences. They were role models for what I never want to be. I still love them for they have paved the way.

I love talking to people and learning different cultures. I have been to Port Quetzal, Guatemala x5; Matzalan, Mexico; Acapullco, Mexico; Porta Vayarta, Mexico x2, Manzanilla, Mexico; Panama x29; Ocho Rios, Jamaica; Cuba; Manta Equidor; Hawaii; Guam x3; Okinawa, Japan; Yakusika, Japan; Singapore x7; Pataya Beach, Thailand x6; Lamut, Malaysia x3; Tai Pai, China; Sarubaya, Indonesia x2; Bali, Indonesia; Manilla, Philipines; Papau New Gineua; Darwin, Australia; and Cochin, India. I probalbly missed some places and yes that was from my 12 years serving in the armed forces.

Any other questions that have about me, drop me a line and maybe i can answer them for you.

My Interests

    ComputersPC GamesAnything to do with ComputersLil'o bit o Web DesignThis is too much fun!!!

I'd like to meet:

New Friends. Old friends I haven't seen in a while. Looking for cool people that will make me either sane or completely insane again. my blog I am on a rebound and probably going through mid-life crises. OH NO's.

I am NOT interested in meeting people that are selfish and closed in mind. Looking for open minded people like myself to hang with in my free time. Wanting to meet people with similar interests.

I am down for about anything that does not affect my work, school, or family life.

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I listen to most anything........

Prefer the following though...
    Most anything acapellaMost anything AcousticMost anything UnpluggedR&BHip-Hop (with a good beat- don't listen to lyrics much)Anything that provokes speeding (Oh No's)


    BraveheartThe Ring TrilogyHiglanderGladiatorTroyBourne IdentityThe Bourne SupremecyKing Artheranything EPIC in nature or Idea.


WTF is a TV? Like i have time to watch it ROFL


    Most anything by Piers AnthonyRing Trilogy - J. R. TolkienThe Art of War - Tsun Tzu translationTao Dae Ching - Tsun Tzu translationMany others


Main Entry: he·ro
Pronunciation: 'hir-(")O, 'hE-(")rO
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural heroes
Etymology: Latin heros, from Greek hErOs
1 a : a mythological or legendary figure often of divine descent endowed with great strength or ability b : an illustrious warrior c : a man admired for his achievements and noble qualities d : one that shows great courage 2 a : the principal male character in a literary or dramatic work b : the central figure in an event, period, or movement 3 plural usually heros : SUBMARINE 2 4 : an object of extreme admiration and devotion : IDOL

My Hero's

Anyone who has given thier:
    All 120% Life Time Effort Kung Fu

To help make someone elses life better or where they live a better place to live.
This is a thanks to all my current serving brothers and sisters, living and dead veterans who have fought for the freedoms both of our citizens here in the USA and for people abroad.

My Blog

Updating my view!!! look what all you people have done to me. Now, I, Have to delv back into about 7 years ago and try to remember code i haven't typed in a while. I am dfregmenting my brain right now and re...
Posted by Robert on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Lots of things going on now......

Doing entrance exams at school this week. Lets all hope i can remember all that stuff from high school, about well okay it's been a while heh. Divorce final on the I will be a free man. ...
Posted by Robert on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST