Shopping!,Shopping!, Shopping!, as u can see i'm a shopaholic who loves fashion. Modeling, Singing, Dancing in general. (All genres of dance). Teaching & Learning Sign Language it is a passion of mine! Reading, Stepping and text messaging my friends and family. OH YEAH, Even though i'm small i still love to eat!
JESUS CHRIST,My fellow JESUS FREAKS or people who are just radical for christ. Well, since Will Smith is unavailable I'd like to meet people that are funny, honest, and reliable. I can't wait until that great day when I can reunite with my big brother on the other side. (R.I.P.) BIG BRO' (James Stonewall Jackson jr.) AKA jj 1 luv I'll see you later.
I am an eclectic person, so anything goes. However, I have a love for gospel..
School Daze, You so Crazy, Clueless, The Last Dragon, and All of the Tyler Perry plays and movies. Any movie with Will Smith, Save the last dance, You got served, The cheetah girls, Rent,Mr. Holland's Opus. I have a new appreciation for The Wiz, and I love musicals. The wedding singer (Thanks Denny)
Martin without a doubt is my favorite tv show., The Cosby Show, A Different World, Girlfriends, America's Next Top Model, The fresh prince of Bel-Air, Facts of life,227, Amen, what's happening?,What's happening now? LOL. OMG, George Lopez is sooo funny! I like the theme songs from the television shows...Check out this version of THE BRADY BUNCH!
The B.I.B.L.E. YES THAT'S THE BOOK FOR ME. The Coldest Winter Ever, Addicted, Nervous, and APF, The three billy goats gruff, Brown bear brown bear what do you see?, Religious signing, The joy of Signing.
When I do right, no one remembers, When I do wrong no one forgets only JESUS!!!!!!!