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Dr. Wyrm

Ignorance is bliss, but having the wisdom to know your place in the world is beautiful harmony...

About Me


My Interests

I'm Generally interested in things, but in General I tend to be as interested as I would like to think that I am not. Sometimes I ponder how I got to that point, but then sometimes, more often than not, I Generally wonder why I do anything at all......

I'd like to meet:

Brad Pitt, Edward Norton, Guy Richie, and Dane Cook....also Adam Sandler and Posse, and Bam Margera with Posse, but I have a feeling Adam Sandler would be easier to hang with than Bam....


Alice in Chains, Soundgarden, Stone Temple Pilots, Pearl Jam, Guano Apes, System of the Down, Mudvayne, Silverchair, Nirvana, Tool, A Perfect Circle, Coal Chamber, Stabbing Westward, Primus, and many more...


Fight Club, 25th Hour, American History X, The Crow, Snatch, Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Final Fantasy: Advent Children {WATCH IT!!!}, Boondock Saints, Requim for a Dream, X-men Series, Matrix Trilogy (I could have done better), Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, Mallrats, Road Trip, and many more....


Naruto, Dragon Ball GT, Family Guy, American Dad, The Simpsons.


"Fate, it would seem, isn't without a sense of Irony..." -The Matrix
"We are the middle children of history, man... We have no great war, no great depression. Our great war is a spiritual war, our great depression is our lives...." -Fight Club


Layne Staley, Kurt Cobain, Edward Norton, Brad Pitt, Trent Reznor, Guy Ritchie, and that guy beggin for money on the side of the interstate...

My Blog

My current (short-term) goals....

yeah so Im working three jobs right now, well starting next week it will be three.  Maybe even find a over-night job for a few weeks, cuz I need cash like a crack head....  Gotta get myself ...
Posted by Dr. Wyrm on Thu, 10 May 2007 06:15:00 PST

Keep it moist...

Yo bitchez, that's right thanks to our good buddy at kosher studios, I'll be crashing there for the next month, so I can save up some dough for my new place.  Also I got my phone turned back on t...
Posted by Dr. Wyrm on Mon, 30 Apr 2007 11:11:00 PST

414 UPDATE - (new plans, new goals)

Okay, okay, okay.....So here is the skibby.... Kiel is moving to Los Angeles, for the first month he will be working with Doug, of ModemZero Studios.  Their first project will be set design for a...
Posted by Dr. Wyrm on Sun, 15 Apr 2007 12:46:00 PST

Its amazing....

Life. Isnt it just one amazing little wonder of existance...  So yeah, I decide like an idiot to go down to visit the Quad Cities, which I havent for 9months, and insantly everything that could g...
Posted by Dr. Wyrm on Fri, 23 Mar 2007 12:56:00 PST


Okay now I am sure everyone is aware of the Maya proffecy of the coming of a new age on December 21-22, the Winter Solstice, the Equinox, of the year 2012. But were you also aware that the Maya actual...
Posted by Dr. Wyrm on Tue, 20 Mar 2007 02:03:00 PST

the Greatest month of my LIFE!!!

So yeah, this last month has been absolutely orgasmic..... Fucking-A Rock-Tober you kicked my fucking ASS.... Seriously I have been both, almost equally, working and partying my ass off all month fu...
Posted by Dr. Wyrm on Sat, 25 Nov 2006 02:26:00 PST

ASIMO Humanoid Robot = Human 2.0

Seriously hasn't anyone ever watched the Matrix, iRobot, or Terminator??? Sure in Hollywood we seem to come out on top, minus the Matrix, however the production of Artificial Intelligence mixed with ...
Posted by Dr. Wyrm on Wed, 20 Sep 2006 02:01:00 PST

Another Dream (Bam was there)

Ok now this was also another totally fucked up dream I feel it's worthy of writting down, so here ya go. First off I fell asleep watching Haggard, incidently woke up just before it ended. None the l...
Posted by Dr. Wyrm on Sat, 09 Sep 2006 10:01:00 PST

Moving Stress...

So here we are, Kiel and myself having to fin another place of residency in the chicago area... Alas the stress has already set in, due to mainly the fact that both of us having shit for credit, an F...
Posted by Dr. Wyrm on Thu, 07 Sep 2006 04:26:00 PST

My Dream During My Nap

So I go take a small cat nap on the couch, and what kind of dream do I have???One fucked up dream for shure, so Im somewhere crowded at a show or something with tons of booths and chairs around and dr...
Posted by Dr. Wyrm on Thu, 10 Aug 2006 03:45:00 PST