(B)rinkley is your hero profile picture

(B)rinkley is your hero

Im like a bridge.. over it

About Me

My page is VERY blank right now and is going to remain that way for a long time because I am a procrastinator. My life is changing right before my eyes and to be honest I have become complacent with who I am. Therefore it's time to make some changes. I am going to do two about me sections.. One for those of you who know me.. and one for my new friends
For The Brinkleyites
Definition of a Brinkleyite- One of the people who will do anything for me and who in return I will do anything for. You all know who you are I don't have to go into detail about that. If I did you all know it would get me into trouble. Brinkleyites are the ones that will openly admit that I am their hero.. HAHA. So about those changes that I am making. My mission now is to better my life and the way that I live it. Its time to make the inner ME a little bit happier. Don't worry though, my values are never going to change, my core me will never change so don't be afraid. It is just time that I start doing a few things for me instead of everyone else. To extend the same thing you all know is true, my phone is on 24/7 and I am always online so if you need me I am always here for you. I challenge any of you to tell me a time where you needed me and I wasn't there. If I wasn't then you didn't let me know. I love all of you.
Hey everyone how goes it? I am Brinkley. I'm 22 years old and I live in Monroe. Let me go ahead and get the things that will make you stop reading this page out of the way first so you don't waste my time or your own. 1. I do live at home with my parents and I am perfectly happy with that
2. I am a college drop out. School was not the right choice for me and I am content with my choice
3. I do not drive. I have a visual disability that prevents me from doing so and if YOU have a problem wiht that, your a prick.
4. I currently work in retail and I LOVE MY JOB. I also plan on doing this for the rest of my life and that in no way takes away from who I am.
5. I love my friends...all of them, and if you want to be a friend of mine you WILL respect my friends whether you like them or not. That just makes YOU a bigger person.. Trust me.. I am helping you.
Now that thats out of the way lets talk about me. If you haven't noticed by some of the above statements and if you read the section to my friends, I DO think very highly of myself. I hold myself to a standard and try my damnedest to maintain that standard. I love movies, I have a pretty LARGE selection. Here lately I have been thinking about picking up guitar lessons again. Ive got 5 of them, its time that I learn how to play one. I love going out and seeing my friends. You will find me frequenting Uptown Charlotte. I take a good amount of pictures (I should think.. I usually have two cameras with me everywhere I go). I also take pictures for Carolina Night Life. Let this be known, while I hold myself to a higher standard, I do not think that I am better than anyone. And furthermore if you think that you ARE better than others, please do us a favor and leave me alone because I will belittle you beyond what you will think.. If you don't believe me, there are around 500 people on my friends list that you can ask for yourself. Last but not least, I am everything that I have ever wanted to be and I never had to step on any one or stab anyone in the back to do it. I'm damn proud of myself.
Thank you for taking the time to read my rantings. Believe me I haven't yet began to break the seal on who I am so if you would like to get to know me better, look up to your left.. .. a little lower... see the button that says message... yeah click that.... Oh.. you didn't find it?... ok heres my aim... Thabrink0908... check me out there. MyGen Profile Generator

My Interests



I'd like to meet:

I would like to meet any one who is interested in meeting me. I enjoy talking to people that have something to talk about. I also enjoy a challenge what ever kind of challenge that may be. Not only will I think more of you if you are intellectually stimulating.. but its kinda hot too. I like people who know how to have fun. NO NEGATIVE NANCIES!!!! Take my word for it, if you want to rain on my parade.. I will poop all over yours. (yeah it was me who $h!- on the coats).





more to come.. check it out in 2 days


I want to give a thank you to all of the people in my life whether we are friends, were friends, are enemies, or were enemies. YOU have contributed to who I am today. Like I said before, I am EVERYTHING I ever wanted to be in the past and I didn't have to step on anyone to do it. I am an achiever.

My Blog


ok I am nutorious for not logging into face book for months at a time.  and here is why.. 1.  I dont care if Billy is now dating Sandy2.  I dont care if Sandy is a warewolf and bit Patt...
Posted by (B)rinkley is your hero on Thu, 08 Nov 2007 10:40:00 PST

What I want

I want a girl that stops by work just to say hello I want a girl that doesn't critique the things that I do or the manor in which I do them. I want a girl thats straight forward with me I want a girl ...
Posted by (B)rinkley is your hero on Tue, 29 May 2007 09:37:00 PST

Thanks to EVERYONE

I must say that this 21st brithday was the best birthday Ive ever had.  I have a lot of people to thank for all the comments and essages and for showing up and being ther at the party.  Ther...
Posted by (B)rinkley is your hero on Tue, 12 Sep 2006 08:55:00 PST

Thanks to EVERYONE

I must say that this 21st brithday was the best birthday Ive ever had.  I have a lot of people to thank for all the comments and essages and for showing up and being ther at the party.  Ther...
Posted by (B)rinkley is your hero on Tue, 12 Sep 2006 08:55:00 PST

Just call me insensitive, closed minded PRICK

Just as usual im PTFO... no, im not DRUNK im not PASSED THE F*** OUT im PISSED THE F*** OFF!!!!!!   What was today?  a strike day for all of the immagrants working in the US.  They say ...
Posted by (B)rinkley is your hero on Tue, 02 May 2006 10:19:00 PST


accept for an EXTREMELY limited select few people, I'm done wiht reaching out and taking in, im done with open ears and open arms, and for others an open wallet.  Im sick of the lack of respect f...
Posted by (B)rinkley is your hero on Thu, 23 Mar 2006 09:45:00 PST

Another something no one will do!

~*What Would You Do If:*~» I said I liked you:» I kissed you:» I lived next door to you:» I started smoking:» I stole something:» I was hospitalized:» I ran away from home:» I got into a fight and you...
Posted by (B)rinkley is your hero on Sun, 12 Mar 2006 03:08:00 PST

Brinkley's GF application

BASICS Name: Age/ Birthday: School and/or work: Hair color: Eye color: Hight: Weight: Others 1.  Do you actually know me? 2.  If not, when can we meet? 3.  Discribe you personality in t...
Posted by (B)rinkley is your hero on Wed, 08 Mar 2006 07:28:00 PST

hands down

i am an inconvenience... that is all
Posted by (B)rinkley is your hero on Wed, 22 Feb 2006 05:37:00 PST


So, for once I fell asleep early.  Ill be damned if i wasnt woken up in the middle of the night because some one was in my room WHISTLING!!!! wtf ya know.  I look around and no one was here....
Posted by (B)rinkley is your hero on Fri, 03 Feb 2006 11:42:00 PST