Big Money..Fast Carz..Long vacations(expences paid)Women with charicter...Free food,,,and whateva else I like that comez my way
someone who will give me a billion dollar position at a billion dollar company..ya feel me? And maybee 2 pac cuz he was an interesting charicter...And Russell Simmons too cuz He's about his buiz
I like everything..I'm not a one track person,,,,I've gotta keep my ear open to everything cuz ya boy aint shallow...I don't discreminate..My favorite music is what do you think??? Gangsta rap,, R and B and soul
killa season,,,tha nutty professa,,tha chapelle show vidoez..Butta..The shawshank redemtion and You can learn a lot from a dummy ...I like funny moviez,,scarry movies,,and moviez thaT ARE based on true events
I'm husltlin all tha time so I don't watch tv..When I DO get a chance I watch mtv,,Bet,,The discovery channel,,,TLC,,and the History channel
Anything written by Chistopher pike
JESUS for doing what he did for us...killa C ..TImmy G..TOOTIE..WILLIE LOVE...JADE RYAN REEVES but she don't know that...MY DAD..MY MOM..MY BROTHERZ..MY INCRIDABLE SON..HIS MOTHER for being a great mom..MY GRANDMOTHER......and yo momma