mortormur profile picture


Che c'e!?

About Me

It's always difficult to truly discribe yourself, if you want to know what i look like just look my ugly mug on the pics i've posted. My "likes" and "dislikes"...hmmm, lets start with start with the "likes"...I love being around people that just cracks me up-that one goes out to my boy Travis, I can always count on that Mo'Fo' for a good laugh, check him out he's on my friends list. I appreciate people who are genuine, humble and considerate...there's a lot of bastards out there who doesn't know the basic common courtesy for other people...if i could have it my way i'd shoot'em in the face! I love having the opportunity of visiting diffirent countries and experiencing new culture and I love to eat, so I love trying they craziest food I can find-even if it gives me the shits:) The world is a beautiful place, seriously it's so amazing what "god" has put on this earth...people who believe life sucks, is just fuckin' stupid...there's so much cool shit out there! It's always interesting to listen to someone that can carry a conversation and it's so damn sexy when a woman can stimulate my intellegence...a woman that doesn't rely on make up or materialistic things to look good, is so freakin' sexy...ladies simplicity can go a long way. Alright let's discuss the "dislikes"...I hate sitting around and doing nothing, i want to go out and do things and appreciate every breathing seconds i have. It's so damn irritating listening to someone glorify themselves...who gives a crap! In five minutes I'm gonna forget anyways! I hate being praised in public, don't reward me for something i should be doing...fuck, I hate being the center of attention for that matter! I hate liars and cheats, I can honestly say I've never cheated on a girlfriend but I've done my share of lying-so therefore I'm a hypocrite...but oh well, everyone is! I hate musicals, my freakin' ex would torture me with that BullSh@[email protected]'d rather poke my eyes out with a rusted, blunt, lead object. I hate staring at a computer for to i'll end this shit here;) ..

My Interests


Superman and Batman sucka! I still wear the tighty whitees-hahahha