pen15 profile picture


i did not learn my aa bb cc's god god damnit damnit

About Me

i am married to an amazing woman and i have an awesome 12 year old stepson (ashton) and a beautiful baby girl (kaya). i am a piercer at saint sabrina's in minneapolis. i am a guitarist and just recently started a new project with former members of disembodied and across tundras. so far just writing new shit, but shows will be coming soon. i think religion is rediculous. when you break it down to basics, believing there's an invisible man who lives in the sky who loves us all and is saving a place for us in paradise is pretty ignorant when you look around the world and see just how fucked up all this is. if there really was such a being children wouldn't starve to death, wars would not exist and republicans would be burned alive, SLOWLY (that last part is just me daydreaming). but hey, whatever gets you through the day right? just don't assume everyone else needs to sink to your level. if you haven't figured it out yet i'm am an asshole. actually i'm not. i just can't seem to find the patience or desire to deal with stupidity or selfishness. religious zealots are one or both. and republicans are one or the other.....either rich and selfish or poor and stupid. i love my family and friends and would do anything for them at anytime. i love living in the city but i hate people. i'd move to the country but there's no one around. i can't sleep at night and i can't wake up in the morning. i love road trips but i hate other drivers. i love 80's movies but i know they're stupid. i love metal and hardcore but i hate scenesters who are prettier than thier girlfriends (and wear thier girlfriends jeans) and draw x's on thier hands even though they've NEVER done drugs. you're not edge, you just don't do drugs. I created my profile with Myspace Layouts+

My Interests

music (playing, listening, bitching about), art, politics, physics, body mods, film, family, friends, archeology, cooking, traveling (though it's mostly day dreaming) and watching my little girl grow and learn.


will haven, sparta, mastadon, sigur ros, the cure, genius, super joint ritual, leonard cohen, aphex twin, channel live, mckluski, grappa, meshuggah, botch, vaz, goat snake, okenfold, darkest hour, jeru, converge, massive attack, sex pistols, kill the vultures, kanser, afghan wigs, bozart, depeche mode, crowbar, fear, x, pre 90's metallica, odd jobs, in flames, orbital, obominable iron sloth, neurosis, isis, guns 'n roses (just appetite), beck (just sea change), vivaldi, snap case, bach, etc. my cd case looks kindof schizophrenic. mostly i'm just a metal dork.


first and foremost anything that is from the 80's and sucks, ex: better off dead, wierd science, first blood, predator, explorers, labrynth, never ending story, the dark crystal, etc. donnie darko, suicide club, happiness, ichi the killer, lost in translation, zatoichi, battle royal, the corporation, farenheight 911 (any michael moore will do), the revolution will not be televised (and other various nerdy commie pinko documentaries), and lots of really shitty horror ficks.


t.v. is for stupids. oh, okay, unless it's the aweful truth, bill maher, t.v. nation or nerd programming on pbs, discovery, history, etc. oh yeah, and i'm an x files nerd.


ishmael, fast food nation, the best democracy money can buy, kitchen confidential, anything by noam chomsky, perfume, house of leaves, peoples history of the u.s. (or anything else by howard zinn for that matter), the story of b, the discoverers, the bible(makes me laugh every time!), a short history of nearly everything, The trouble with being born, bomb the suburbs, and that one that was so much better than the movie they made of it.


heroes are for people with no ability to get things done and a lack of confidence. don't worship people.....respect them for their accomlishments and the things they stand for. then strive to be someone a little better than you were yesterday.

My Blog

moving on.....

     so for those of you who don't know.....sunday, aprill 22nd will be my last day at axis. i was i've been given a great opportunity to work with some amazing people at an immacu...
Posted by pen15 on Sat, 14 Apr 2007 04:22:00 PST

and i was worried my daughter would bring home a douchebag boyfriend.......

and now i have to worry that she'll live to see this bullshit......   WASHINGTON (AP) - The harmful effects of global warming on daily life are already showing up, and within a couple of decades...
Posted by pen15 on Sun, 11 Mar 2007 12:23:00 PST

i would really rather have you alive barak......

so it seams lately barak obama has been talking of running in '08. good idea in theory, but i think i would prefer him alive. he's really only got two options as far as i can tell....if he does run. 1...
Posted by pen15 on Sat, 28 Oct 2006 04:38:00 PST

i love this.....

Top Ten Signs You're a Fundamentalist Christian   10 - You vigorously deny the existence of thousands of gods claimed by other religions, but feel outraged when someone denies the existence of yo...
Posted by pen15 on Sat, 30 Sep 2006 02:01:00 PST

hugo chavez is my fucking hero, and should be yours too.

by Hugo Chavez September 21, 2006  Madam President, Excellencies, Heads of State, Heads of government and other government's representatives, good morning. First, and with all re...
Posted by pen15 on Fri, 22 Sep 2006 02:16:00 PST

stupid survey's

TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF - The SurveyName:jacobBirthday:3/6/78Birthplace:saint paul. mnCurrent Location:at the computer dickEye Color:brueHair Color:blondish brown....ish?Height:6' ?Right Handed or Left...
Posted by pen15 on Sat, 09 Sep 2006 06:47:00 PST