sinG, slEep, lUff, tALk, plAY, plAY gAMes, sHop anD wATCh moVies, hANg aROund wiTh MY usuAL compANy
fERvENtlY tRying to mEet pPLe wHO aRE mORE siNCEre iN reALLi gEttinG alONg wiTh mE rATHEr thAn duE tO cErtAin rEASonZ~ oH YAhz! iF yA stIll duNNOe ME dAT wELL~ chECkoUT MY hORosCope! [GEMINI MAY 21-June 29] You are recognised by your cheerful disposition and your jovial nature is easily susceptible to anger. In fact, you are the best person to have around when there is an ugly scene at a party you can bring the warring factions together quite diplomatically. But when you lose cool, you yell and scream and will not listen to reason. You must have the last word in a wordy duel. Your capacity to argue aggressively is matched only by your seductive charm.
anITHIng thAt IS nICEY~ anD sUiTs mY mOOd
I lUrvE aLMOst eVERY moViE... coS i siMPLy enJOy sITTIng iN thE thEAtRE wATChiNg moVIEs AND mUNChiNg aWAy~
diDnT cATCh Much OF thE tV thESE dAes... eXcEpT chARmEd~ HEex...
anYtHINg bY vIRginA AndREws... cOs tHEy aRE reAL nICE...othER tHAn dAT... i dONt evEn bOTHEr tO touCh a bOok mANz!
i lOVe alAddin~! cAUSE i'LL bE PRinCESs JAsmiNE... anD HE'LL bE thE oNE tO mY rEScuE~ " oH~ yOU're mY hERo~!" LOLz... wahHAHZ