Jasmine profile picture


I am here for Dating, Friends and Networking

About Me

A 17 YR OLD gIRL wHO siMPLY lOVes lAughTERs, lOves tO joKe, loVes to tEASe&hAVe fuN~ hEe.. suPER douBLe duPER stUBbORn toO yEA?! a PURPLE fREAk anD a chiLLi oNE tOo!!! sCOres wELL IN eXAms aLTHough I kINdA slACk SeRiOUSlY iNTERestEd iN sPElL BOOks alTHough i doNt dARe tO pErfORm aNy OF thEm~ i *huM*..ahEm! hMMmz kinDA mUSicALLy iNClINEd... kNOWs How tO plAY tHe piANO aND oRgAN iS dESPeratELy tRying to conviNCe mY dAD to alLOw ME tO giVE a tRy at gUitAR..hMmmz.. tAEkwoNDO bLacK bELT..anD wuShu yELLOw.. aLTHough I duN lOOk liKe oNE~ lOLz.. ppLe alWAYs sAY I Very fEmiNiNE..lOok suPEr lIKe a jApanESe... lOOk mATURE anD thE dreAm gIRL kINd.. pRincESsY?! i tHInk okAY lARhz.. i sEriOUSly lOVe da hANg ARd oRchARd...cAnt sEem to gEt sICk oF dA pLACE~i lOVe iT so MUCh! sHOPahoLic aND reALly lOVE tAking NEopRinTS! GEe...mOVIES anD mAnicuRe toO! mUST cATCh evERy mOVIE oN aiR! gEe~ I lOve pOetrY anD aBstrAct stUffz gOOd lIngUistIc sKILLz anD sUx aT sCienCEs talKatiVE, wRitatiVe anD kINDa chILdiSh cAREfRee thoUGh kKZ! pPLe saYs iM crAzzIE, suPEr doUBLe duPEr siOWzhARbOR,cHILdiSh anD uLTRA-mAN dAO~... i aDmiT lAhz... BUT i hAve thE cAlibRE to bE vERy mATURE aT cErtAin stUFfz AT THE RIGHT TIME... HEex... a kinDA sOPhISicATEd giRl bEneATH thE chEerfUL cRust OF mY lONe... iM vERy wEird tO mOST pPLe~ lOls... coS i lOVE alL dA wEird sTUffs tHAT coMbiNEs tOgEther tO mAKe iT evEn mORE wEird... sALTED POpcORn roX! ICE TEA rOX! hMMm... emOTionAl anD rEAl sEnsitivE... pREferS PPLe to lURve mE at jUST thE riGHT stANdARd~ waNTs a pERfect guY whOSE rICH toO~ dENz i cAN shoP tiLL i dROP! gEe..I.LUrvE.MoisELF!!! IM dA PRinCeSs iN NOt onY mY oWn wORld BUT iN aLL YER wORlds! LOlz!duNNidDa giB a dAmn tO wad pPle tHInk~ : of cool beauty, cares for its looks and condition, good taste, is not egoistic, makes life as comfortable as possible, leads a reasonable and disciplined life.

My Interests

sinG, slEep, lUff, tALk, plAY, plAY gAMes, sHop anD wATCh moVies, hANg aROund wiTh MY usuAL compANy

I'd like to meet:

fERvENtlY tRying to mEet pPLe wHO aRE mORE siNCEre iN reALLi gEttinG alONg wiTh mE rATHEr thAn duE tO cErtAin rEASonZ~ oH YAhz! iF yA stIll duNNOe ME dAT wELL~ chECkoUT MY hORosCope! [GEMINI MAY 21-June 29] You are recognised by your cheerful disposition and your jovial nature is easily susceptible to anger. In fact, you are the best person to have around when there is an ugly scene at a party you can bring the warring factions together quite diplomatically. But when you lose cool, you yell and scream and will not listen to reason. You must have the last word in a wordy duel. Your capacity to argue aggressively is matched only by your seductive charm.


anITHIng thAt IS nICEY~ anD sUiTs mY mOOd


I lUrvE aLMOst eVERY moViE... coS i siMPLy enJOy sITTIng iN thE thEAtRE wATChiNg moVIEs AND mUNChiNg aWAy~


diDnT cATCh Much OF thE tV thESE dAes... eXcEpT chARmEd~ HEex...


anYtHINg bY vIRginA AndREws... cOs tHEy aRE reAL nICE...othER tHAn dAT... i dONt evEn bOTHEr tO touCh a bOok mANz!


i lOVe alAddin~! cAUSE i'LL bE PRinCESs JAsmiNE... anD HE'LL bE thE oNE tO mY rEScuE~ " oH~ yOU're mY hERo~!" LOLz... wahHAHZ

My Blog

PiOnEer JC!

nOw thAt iM iN dA SCh thAT i lOve sO mUCh... I LOVE IT! gEe... hMMmz... i dONt cAre iF it's cuRse oR wHAt... BuT i loVe PJC... gEe... thERe's at lEAst oNe oF mY couSin fRom evEry bATch OF PJC... siNCe...
Posted by Jasmine on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

eR... juSt anY otHer dAy iN "thE roOM"

hMmmz... mE n mY dEArie... 3 dAYs to 9 mThs! idiOtic hIm sAY i ... aHEM* aNGry liAoz lAhs! uHMP!
Posted by Jasmine on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

InNova JC

hMmmz... jUSt goT iNto INnOva JC tO atEnd thE fiRst 3 mTHs... thE oRientAtion was gREat... bUt whAT was BEttER waS to finD new fRiends aNd a whOLe lOT oF fUn aT innoVA!
Posted by Jasmine on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

fOR mY oNE anD oNLy lOve, RiCo

I sit here and think of just how lucky I am to have you in my life... how god blessed me with you. I'm still trying to figure out what I did to deserve you. I never knew what love was until ...
Posted by Jasmine on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

AngEl (a pOem bY 'YOU') ...

One cannot escape from an angel's caress I pray to be captured, I must confess Heavenly embrace- please hold me tight To be captured by an angel and eternal delight To resist is futile and t...
Posted by Jasmine on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

i fEel...

Scents of saccharine on a rancid breeze... The tingling petals gently veiled the mind... Tranquility polluting & probing through cerebellums... It blooms like flowers; produce a wild nuclear smile... ...
Posted by Jasmine on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

JUst a POem~ bY mE!

Glancing aimlessly at the sea, as music fills the air,  Dear, you fill my mind, as the soft winds greets me fair.   Crescent moon shines afar, as the leaves seems to flee. Like your scent ...
Posted by Jasmine on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

cRuiSing dAYs

LOlz... reAL fUn duRIng thE wKEnds! i wENt onbOARd sUPERstAR gEmini oF stAR cruisE liNEr... iT waS... reAL fRuitFuL... iT waSn'T thE fiRSt timE i'Ve bEen oNBoarD a lINer oR sUmthINg... BUT... thE eXpE...
Posted by Jasmine on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST