James profile picture


I am here for Dating and Friends

About Me

Ooh I hate this part, don't really like talking about myself at all! I haven't changed this in a long time so here goes...
Hi everyone i'm James altough lots of people know me as Ed or DJ Ed. It's just a nickname thats stuck with me for more than 8 years now, don't ask cos it's not some insanely interesting story and it's not my middle name either! So things to know about me? Wwll lets see at the momment I work by day for Willam Hill as a Deputy Shop Manager and to be quite fair it does suck muchly however I generally only work 3 or 3 and a 1/2 days a week so I get quite a bit of spare time on my hands sometimes which I mostly spend driving to see people or going to the cinema, with or without company (it would be good to use an Orange Wednesday sometime you know guys)! I also like to DJ as its mention above with working at The Ritz on Mondays for Student Alternative night and Jillys Rockworld on Thursdays and the alternate Saturday (1 week on, 1 week off). I'm really quite passionate about music so this helps alot. I also like to, whenever possible go and see my mates band Whipcord. There in my Top friends so check em out. If it's worth playing play it loud and fuck me there loud.
Oh yea i'm also a quallified IT Technician so if you've got a computer problem that needs fixing, and you can get hold of me then I can probably fix it in no time.
Just a touch of advanced forewarning. If i'm bored then I like to fill out pointless survey bulletins and post them, i'm sad I know :..
Here have a survey....
The Best Myspace Survey
* . . About You . . *
Eye Color:: Green
Hair Color:: Naturally Brown
Height:: 6ft1
Favorite Color:: I'd say probably blue or black
Screen Name:: tallica_boy
Favorite Band:: as if this wasnt obvious enough METALLICA
Favorite Movie:: At the moment it Top Gun but anyone whos watched Dirty Dancing should know "Nobody puts baby in the corner!"
Favorite Show:: Heroes! Closely followed by Smallville, Scrubs, Family Guy and The Simpsons (in that order)
Your Car:: Is a Silver Ford Focus
Your Hometown:: Is in Greater Manchester
Your Present Town:: Is in Greater Manchester
Your Crushes First Name:: I'm 24 not 14!
Your Grade:: I finished school years ago
Your Style:: Varies alot but its mostly a surfer clothing type stuff
* . . Have You Ever . . *
Sat on your rooftop?: On my dad's shed yea, theres no way I'm gettin up on my roof
Kissed someone in the rain?: Yes
Danced in a public place?: Of course although I wouldn't call it dancing to be fair
Smiled for no reason?: Sometimes, theres almost always a reason though
Laughed so hard you cried?: Have you ever seen me laugh i'm in tears almost instantly
Peed your pants after age 8?: Nope
Written a song?: Not properly
Sang to someone for no reason?: It has to be a good song and the usual reason is to make someone laugh
Performed on a stage?: Nope
Talked to someone you don't know?: I'm usually quite shy in person but its happened
Gone out of your way to befriend someone?: That would depend on the person
Made out in a theatre?: Nope
Gone roller skating since 8th grade?: Noooooooo
Been in love?: Yes
* . . Who was the last person to . . *
Say HI to you?: Laura
Tell you, I love you?: Abby for playing 50 cennt for her :..
Kiss you?: Charley on the cheek for dropping her off on the way home
Hug you?: Laura
Tell you BYE?: Charley
Write you a note?: John
Take your photo?: *shrugs*
Call your cell phone?: My brother
Buy you something?: Dad got me some razor blades does that count
Go with you to the movies?: Nizz probably
Sing to you?: croud in ritz
Write a poem about you?: pass!
Text message you?: My sister (work related)
Touch you?: Charleys mate?
* . . What's the last . . *
Time you laughed?: In work today
Time you cried?: Ages ago at my grandads funeral
Movie you watched?: Daylight (ITV2)
Joke you told?: Paddy walks into a bar...
Song you've sang?: pass
Time you've looked at the clock?: Just now
Drink you've had?: Ribena
Number you've dialed?: Spoke to my sister
Book you've read?: Harry Potter ages ago
Food you've eaten?: Chicken and salad sandwich
Flavor of gum chewed?: Spearmint?
Shoes you've worn?: Trainers
Store you've been in?: William hill
Thing you've said?: bye?
* . . Can You . . *
Write with both hands?: Nope i'm a righty
Whistle?: Yep
Blow a bubble?: Yup
Roll your tounge in a circle?: Yep
Cross your eyes?: Erm nope I don't thinks so
Touch your tounge to your nose?: No
Dance?: Errr PASS!
Gleek?: WTF?
Stay up a whole night without sleep?: I do it almost every year on holiday, when I get to about the 23rd hour of being up I want to die!
Speak a different language?: I can speak a tiny amount of spanish
Impersonate someone?: Maybe, badly!
Prank call people?: If I wanted
Make a card pyramid?: To be honest i've never tried
Cook anything?: Pretty much but I like cooking a few things
* . . Finish The Line . . *
If i were a ...: doley I wouldn't have to get up in the morning
I wish ...: sometimes I was a doley
So many people don't know that ...: i'm quite a shy person
I am ...: very tired right now
My heart is ...: beating! I hope!!
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My Interests

Metal, Heavy Metal, Nu-Metal, Grunge, Alterantive Rock, Rock, Classic Rock, Funk, Soul, Old Skool Dance, Motown, 80s, 70s Disco, Easy Listening ok so I think thats most of my music taste.

Other shit I like you can see on other shit on my profile

I'd like to meet:

Metallica - This will be a long term goal for me.

I'd also like to meet everyone that I haven't met in person from here . Theres only a few but yanno i'd still likes to meet ya.

I'd also like to meet a funny, crazy, cute, nympho rock chick (heh doesn't everyone!)

This is very me don't ya think?


Ok so being Tallica Boy I would love the gods of James, Kirk Lars and Jason (now Rob I suppose) and Cliff (may he rest in peace) My music taste is fucked up, no seriously. I like too much shit but heres some of what I like: AIC, Tool, Soundgarden, Smashing Pumpkins, Faith No More, Blur, Chemical Bros, NIN, The Clash, Biohazard, Pantera, Sepultura, Fear Factory, Foo Fighters, Nirvana, Stone Temple Pilots, Lenny Kravitz, Korn, Deftones, Lionel Ritchie, Phil Collins, Bryan Adams, Scissor Sisters, Oasis, The Who Jimi Hendrix, The Beatles, Bee Gees, Queen, Guns N Roses, Iron Maiden, Green Day, The Offspring, Audioslave, Rage Against The Machine, Incubus, Disturbed, Pearl Jam, The Eagles, AC/DC, Beastie Boys, James Brown, Led Zepplin, Michael Jackson, Aerosmith, Prodigy, Slayer, QOTSA, RHCP, Soulwax, U2, The Comitments


I love 80s movies like Back To The Future, The Breakfast Club, St Elmos Fire, The Goonies, Top Gun, Beverly Hills Cop, Police Academy. I like Teen movies and stuff like Not Another Teen Moviie, Old School, American Pie 1, 2 &3 and Bamc Camp, Star Trek Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure & Bogus Journey, Blade 1, 2 , 3, Anchorman, LOTR Trilogy, Harry Potter, She's All That, Kiss Of The Dragon, Road Trip, Euro Trip, Young Guns, Blues Brothers


I rarely watch TV, when I do I watch Stargate SG1, Enterprise, CSI & CSI Miami, Shameless and ER. I like to download stuff as well like Smallville, The O.C, Charmed and The Shield


James Hetfield - Legend

My Blog

SO i've decided to use this for quiz stuff

..>     ..>  ..>   ..http://is1.okcupid.com/graphics/persons/RGLDm.gif" name=thebigpicture27>                ...
Posted by James on Sat, 05 May 2007 03:07:00 PST