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Angry Guy

About Me

I'm a very discontent individual. If I don't know you, I probably hate you. Acuatally even if I know you, I still probably hate you. Chances are you probably have many traits that are pet peeves of mine. Let's go down the list, shall we?I am thoroughly disgusted with the whole "hippety hop cultcha" that has infected every facet of modern day life in every realm. I've been forced to boycott even the likes of McDonald's for their stupid urban ad campaigns. There's a time and place for everything, but this shit has seriously spun out of control. I woudln't be the least bit surprised if I turned on CNN next week and say Sway from MTV butchering words he can't pronounce while trying to tell me what's going on in Iraq. Word to teh wise for all of you.... for the most part RAP DIED AFTER ABOUT 1994! LET IT GO! There are no more Dels or Public Enemys. That was music with substance. It's all shallow party bullshit now. Bling bling and ice and anything else of that nature encourages stupidity. And if you don't think so, you've probably already been brainwashed too far to know any better. I'm sorry but Jay-Z and 50 Cent are no talent fucks. And anyone trying to emulate them is a moron and a half. Thank you, drive through.Another thing I can't stand is everyone's obsession with conforming to a nice little stupid mold that MTV has made for them. It's nice to see that our generation as a whole has come to realize what's truly important. It's not who's running our country or how bad they're running it into the ground. It's OMG WHO'S HOTT!!!!!@.$ Here's a word of advice, shallow twats of America, put down the remote control, leave the mall, and pick up a fucking book. ....I SAID BOOK NOT YM MAGAZINE!Now I get to semi-contradict myself and be totally superficial for a moment. Seeing how tattoos and piercings have run so rampant literally makes me sick to my stomach. Especially for females. If they're done tastefully like the ones the Lizard Man (picture soon to come), the guy who's on every Jagermeister tour, has then they can be pretty cool. Because they're all over the place and make the guy freakish looking and in turn very interesting. But if I see one more idiot with a stupid fucking tribal arm band or one more stupid bitch with a trendy little design on the small of her back, I'm going to throw up on them. I'm serious. I can't take anymore of this shit. THESE THINGS DO NOT MAKE YOU LOOK BETTER! Especially women. TATTOOS MAKE YOU LOOK CHEAP, UGLY, AND TRASHY! THEY ARE NOT SEXY! Same with body piercings (with the possible exception of nipple piercings). But navel piercings are gaudy. Not attractive. And tongue rings do not make me think, "Wow, I'd like to get head from her." They make me think, "Wow, I bet she gives lousy blowjobs." Tongue piercings add NOTHING to a blowjob. It's all skill. You either have it or you don't. Getting a piece of metal through your tongue does not make you better at it. It's like the illusion that black makes you look thinner. No it doesn't. You just look like a fat person wearing black.I could go on and on, but chances are you've probably stopped reading by now. Either because I offended you or because it was too much to read.