adventures, animals, architecture, art, autumn, behavior, beer, bicycles, building, climbing, crafting, creating, destroying , fire, flowers, graff, HULAHOOPS, kites, knots, love, music, my '61 oldsmobile, outdoors, pakololo, photobooths, photographs, PINBALL, rigging, ships, singing (when I think no one can hear), snowboarding, sounds, spray-paint, stencils, swimming, talent, theatre, travel, turntables, vinyl.
People who make me feel alive
Incredibly eclectic, try me....but, Murder City Devils are possibly the only band I never get sick of.
Yes, please.
No, thanks.
tall tales, history, love, murder, science, current events, mechanical manuals.
Currently: A Guide to the I Ching - Carol K. Anthony, The Electric Kool-aid Acid Test - Tom Wolfe, The Big Sleep - Raymond Chandler, Crome Yellow - Aldous Huxley, The Rum Diary - Hunter S. Thompson, The I Chong - Tommy Chong, Rant - Chuck Palahnuik.