Burritos profile picture


About Me

Well how do i start this.......well i love my girlfriend so much....(squeezable). or better known as susie. i love to fucking play the guitar, spend time with my cuz....(fuckin lucust). also talking shit to him as well. well i'm a fucking metal head 100% all the way, i love classical music, blues, and a little bit of some jazz funk beats....ohh and classic rock......ohh cant forget about the one that always tends to catch me clean some how......grrrr(Ana), but your flippin cool woman, but still not better than me.....heh heh. i also cant forget about my hero.....king diamond....well i think thats about it...well about me of course...hope you enjoyed wasting your time reading this. laters from the burritos/oompa/lui/hotass/etc and so forth.....ohh and if its susie.....love you huney.

I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !

img src="http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c315/tootsieloompa/ki ngy.jpg"

My Interests

Music, Guitars, Poetry, Books, My Woman, Games, Musicians.

I'd like to meet:

Yngwie Malmsteen, King Diamond, Steve Vai, Joe Satriani, Alexi Laiho, Andy Larocque, John Schafer, Kirk Hammet, Toni Iommi, and Zakk Wylde.


Everything... mostly metal and classical music. KING DIAMOND & PAGANINI!!


Hannibal and scary shit, I suppose.


BEAVIS & BUTTHEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and Family Guy!!!!!!


Where's Waldo?, Dante's Inferno.


First and foremost Andy Larocque, Yngwie Malmsteen, and Randy Rhoads