Courtney(Natalee arrived on 2/10/07) profile picture

Courtney(Natalee arrived on 2/10/07)

i'm finally a MOMMY!!!

About Me

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umm... there isn't to much about me.. i am a very boring person..unless you get me out on a friday nite in a car by the window or in just ask kari... girl you know what i am talking about..i am also goin to be a mommy my due date is feb.26 2007 even though her dad is a JERK i still love him with all my heart and soul.. it's a GIRL her name is going to be Natalee Paige well at least for now it might change again for the 20th time lol.. anyway thats all there really is to know about me or at least all i can tell you on you want to know more im me at CoUrTlO6907 for aol or yahooI wanna to send some shout outs to some of my girls: Emily: i freaking love you i couldn't ask for a better little cousin!!! Kari: i love you girl you are just like a sister to me and we had some great time's in wal-mart. I'm in love with a the water free??lol..i can't believe that i am goin to be a mom even though chris is the beggest jerk in the world who needs him when i have friend like you!!...luv ya girl...Starwberry & Shortcake BFFL!!!And to all of my friends you guys are the greatest and i love you guys so much!! ALLIED HEALTH T.P CLASS OF 07 ROX!!!
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My Interests

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I'd like to meet:

i want to meet Kenny Chesney cuz he is like the sexiest person alive and one day I hope to meet Jesus when it is time for me to go home with all my loved ones who have already passed!!!
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My Blog


I'm so excited i only have 104 days until my precious little Natalee is here and i can't seems like it's taking forever.. oh well i was just bored and thought i would share my excitement.....
Posted by Courtney(Natalee arrived on 2/10/07) on Thu, 16 Nov 2006 05:49:00 PST

Dear Jimmy

Jimmy i miss you so much. You were an awesome big cousin. You just don't know how proud i was to say hey look thats my cousin. Even though we weren't that close i knew that you were always there for m...
Posted by Courtney(Natalee arrived on 2/10/07) on Fri, 09 Jun 2006 01:30:00 PST

My life sucks so freaking bad

Ok so i am sure that either most people watch the news or i have told you about it!!! My cousins name is James Stanaford!! He died on Sunday April 2 2006 at about 5:30 am.. He was found dead in his bu...
Posted by Courtney(Natalee arrived on 2/10/07) on Mon, 03 Apr 2006 03:28:00 PST

this is just a thank you

ok first a big thank you to my bestfriend are so awesome and i really don't know what i would do w/o you!!  you help me out so much and you are so great..thanks for all of the advice th...
Posted by Courtney(Natalee arrived on 2/10/07) on Fri, 17 Mar 2006 08:01:00 PST