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The Scholar Gypsy

I am here for Friends

About Me

My name is Chris, and for your information I am 1/4 Finnish and 1/4 Irish and that makes me 100% fucking awesome bitches! My family likes to say that I go to the beat of my own drummer, I say fuck the drum...I don’t think I go to the beat of any drum or skip to any beat period, my "drummer" would probably play Pan's pipes as he leads me on my way or something equally different, my personality profile. I’m more fluid and random than any beat would ever allow. I'm the kind of guy who tends to be easy going for the most part. Frankly, I am the kind of person who will grow on you. I spend my free moments at times pondering life’s oddities such as life, death, politics and society and the rest of the questions without an easy answer (that is if my nose isn’t stuck in a book or I am hanging out with friends) or just being a dork spinning for joy and amusement in my computer chair or training (seriously). I live in down town Portland near the college. I must say it’s quite the contrast from where I grew up, in the quiet country solitude on the southern Oregon coast. I enjoy standing back and watching the people around me, I think you miss out on some of the greatest things in life if you’re not paying attention to those around you.what, I was raised roman catholic but no longer consider myself such (obviously) and I have a little brother and sister that are 2 and five years younger than I am (Jenny, who is on myspace as well My baby sister!This is my Facebook profile link!
.. You scored as agnosticism. You are an agnostic. Though it is generally taken that agnostics neither believe nor disbelieve in God, it is possible to be a theist or atheist in addition to an agnostic. Agnostics don't believe it is possible to prove the existence of God (nor lack thereof).Agnosticism is a philosophy that God's existence cannot be proven. Some say it is possible to be agnostic and follow a religion; however, one cannot be a devout believer if he or she does not truly believe.


















Which religion is the right one for you? (new version)
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You Are Kermit
Hi, ho! Lovable and friendly, you get along well with everyone you know.
You're a big thinker, and sometimes you over think life's problems.
Don't worry - everyone know's it's not easy being green.
Just remember, time's fun when you're having flies! The Muppet Personality Test ..

My Interests

living life? To eventually die awake and with my boots on, knowing that I had squeezed out every drop of life, leaving behind an old and broken corpse having lost the spark of youth long ago...oh I also want to accumulate stuff like every other greedy bastard! J/K Honestly I just want to live a good and interesting life...that’s what im interested in...and that includes all sorts of stuff.

I'd like to meet:

hum...Richard the lion hearted, joan of arc, jesus (figured hey, why wouldnt i right? i mean the very least he was an intresting person...i just doubt that he is the son of/ and is god), Kirt Cobain, Poe, Jigoro Kano, Allen Ginsberg, Lincoln, Tomas Jefferson (my most liked "founding father"), Gondi, J.F.K.Now for the living... Bill Clinton, Tom Petty, The guys from the following bands, Flogging Molly, Metallica, Pantera (rip Dimbag), Godsmack, Disterbed, A.F.I., Type O Neg (gotta love their clever lyrics), APC, NIN (Trent=god), Joan Jett (not really her band, joan jett is just kick ass)...So many more bands... Also good people who can hold a conversation, thats always nice.


i like so many different types of music....classical (like classical piano even more), Irish music (be it folk, or contemporary), indie, and pretty much anything with a guitar in it but country music (well, Johnny Cash, Kenny Rogers, And Willy Nelson are notable exceptions)..bands i listen to all the time are...ramones, godsmack, CoF, e town concrete, slipknot, blues traveler, Gin Blossoms, pantera, type o neg, the verve, manson, NIN, the beatles, The Cranberries, iron maiden, blind mellon, snake river conspiracy, jack off jill, 23 rainy days, HIM, the murderdolls, tom petty and the heartbreakers, kiss, 3 doors down, alkaline trio, afi, A PERFICT CIRCLE, TOOL (yes i know they are pretty much the same band...), bryan adams, blue oyster cult, Apocalyptica, the genitortures, gorillaz, the greatful dead, finntroll, the who, billy joel, Tegan and Sara, bob marley, coal chamber, cold, Iced Earth, decide, disturbed, down, the eagles, drowning pool, evanescence, flogging molly, Horrorpops, godhead, hammerfall (TACKY METAL ABOUT DRAGON SLAYING AND SWORDS...YESSSSSS), Corrosion of Conformity, hatebreed, ILL NINO, JOAN JETT (IF YOU DONT YOU DONT LIKE ROCK!), kitty, BILLY FREAKING IDOL (cause i rock the cradle of love yo!...ok, so i don't...but let me live in my delusion! But really, if you EVER want to see me dance, put BILLY IN THE PLAYER!!!), korn, london after midnight, Eisbrecher, ministry, MISFITS, Samael, buddy holly, mudvayne, Cemetary, orgy, OZZY, papa roach, powerman 5k, puddle of mud, rammstein, rancid, the beatles, rob zombie (and of course white zombie), slayer, sevendust, spineshanke, switchblade symphony, eve 6, Opeth, the raincoats (shut up), trustcompany, taproot, twelve stones, finger 11, saliva, seether, stained...oh there is so many but you get the idea of my basic tastes


Donnie Darko, Ride with the devil, Legends of the Fall, the order, underworld, the princess bride, Corpse Bride, benny & joon, 13 warrior, lord of the rings, starship troopers, teenage mutant ninja turtles, peter pan (both the new movie and the disney movie), Aladin, and all robin hood movies, THE CROW (My fav movie of all time, I dont care what all you BEoches think), highlander, the matrix movies, dogma (or anything by kevin smith A.K.A. silent bob), stargate, The Shawshank Redemption, hackers, american history x, blade, blade 2, scareface, swimming with sharks, the harry potter movies, wayne's world, x-men (and 2), spider man (and 2, took my little sister to see it), the craft, detroit rock city, the back to the future movies, scooby-doo, dune (old and new), the last samurai, boondock saints, childeren of dune, pretty much anything anime, and the count of monty cristo (spelling?)...there are so many, i always fall asleep everynight with a movie on. Basically i love most drama, most action, and some comedy.


i dont own a tv (i watch movies on my computer)...but when i get a chance, the more nerdy the better! But i have what the greeks would have called the greatest love for INUYASHA, the thunder cats, and STARGATE!
Take the Star Trek QuizCaptain Jean-Luc Picard -Always in control, you are a great leader, deligator, and diplomat. These qualities attract people to you, and this sometimes annoys you.Aloof, introspective, and philosophical; you enjoy quiet time in solitude.


I like Alexandre Dumas (The Count of Monte Cristo, three Musketeers). Anything by Terry Brooks or Raymond e Fiest (and other general fantasy books...of course the classic LOTR as well). I also enjoy political and books on government as well as philosophy. And I always make the effort from time to time to read the "classics" and for the most part tend to enjoy them...some more than others. For example, I LOVE "Catcher in the Rye," but it was very difficult for me to finish "Bury my heart at Wounded Knee" though, I have ALWAYS been fond of "Tristan and Iseult”. 1984 but think that George Orwell is over rated as an author (but he is my "god" of political fiction my list of his books I list and you will understand why), you want a good disutopic work of fiction read Huxley's "Brave New Word" or Zamyatin's book "We" (it’s a good bet that 1/100 people have never even heard of Zamyatin though, which is sad because it is the book that Orwell emulated and its really good). Hum, other greatest "hits" Keep the Aspidistra Flying (love that money god), Road to Wigan Pier, Homage to Catalonia, Down and Out in Paris and London (all of these are Orwell). Then we have "Prince of the Blood", "The Vampire Chronicles", "Lord of the Flies," The Future of Freedom" (this is nonfiction but has shaped my view of politics a great deal), "Guns Germs, and Steel", "Complexity" by Roger Lewin, "The Revenge of God" (a MUST read in the post "9/11" world), "Newjack" by Ted Conover, Victims of Progress by John Bodley...ok...that’s enough, don’t worry I'm not THAT boring!


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My Blog

Its time to get serious

So today I decided that I was going to put my ass in gear and finally do something about the state of my health, or at least make the attempt.  The past few months have left me in a state that I ...
Posted by The Scholar Gypsy on Thu, 29 May 2008 02:56:00 PST

I had an hour to kill

Sometimes: I walk around down town after midnight by myselfNo one realizes: I am terrified of failureI am so: awesomePeople think: they know me when they have not even scratched the surfaceTonight I:...
Posted by The Scholar Gypsy on Tue, 26 Feb 2008 05:31:00 PST

oh woe is me *funny*

so yeah, thought some stupidity of my own (don't ask) i got a cut in my lift armpit, because of this i just now had to SHAVE my left armpit.  This left me a body follicle imbalance, so of course ...
Posted by The Scholar Gypsy on Sun, 27 Jan 2008 02:43:00 PST


Life... Iraq - Far too many fucking friends there, or are going there.  Seems to be a pretty popular destination for those of us who grew up coos bay kids...   Relationship - Eva broke up wi...
Posted by The Scholar Gypsy on Wed, 29 Aug 2007 02:23:00 PST


Those of you who are close or keep in contact know that i have been having a hard time at it as of late.  Jerks in the building, trouble at school, etc.  Well...last almost two...
Posted by The Scholar Gypsy on Thu, 09 Nov 2006 12:22:00 PST

MY Voters Guide for this years State Measures

If any of you dissagree with me, send me a message with your argument and ill debate it with you :-)   Measure 39  YES, the government should not have any right to force you to sell your propert...
Posted by The Scholar Gypsy on Mon, 23 Oct 2006 12:29:00 PST

Dorks and Longboards

for the past few months I have been going out and playing around on my longboard at night...Its become something of an obsession actually, that and practicing the little bit of martial art I know. Wel...
Posted by The Scholar Gypsy on Thu, 10 Aug 2006 04:14:00 PST

My (partial) critique on existence...

My critique on existence   **warning NONE of these areas are completely well rounded but my general argument for my position, each and every single issue I bring up I could personally write a muc...
Posted by The Scholar Gypsy on Tue, 27 Jun 2006 02:26:00 PST

stuff and things

Well lets see here, staying in Portland all summer...Im looking for decent summer employment now, I have a lead on two decent ones.  One being PSU connect, calling the old alums from PSU and begg...
Posted by The Scholar Gypsy on Mon, 26 Jun 2006 01:56:00 PST

I am perhaps the most inept person in portland...

I just burned my right thumb tonight with a mixture of molten instant mashed potatoes and corn from a banquet TV dinner that I nuked up, second degree burn I shit you not...the blister already formed ...
Posted by The Scholar Gypsy on Fri, 16 Jun 2006 12:59:00 PST