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"A Good Leader Motivates, Doesn't mislead, Doesn't Exploit"
Proverbs 16:10 (Message)I have decided to live Christ....If you want to live for him Pray this Prayer:Father I confess that Im a sinner, but I repent of my sins right now. I believe that Jesus Is Lord, and that you raised him from the dead. Dear Jesus, come into my heart, and take over my life, I give my will to you. Be my Lord and Savior. Save me from hell, wash me in your blood cleanse me and make me whole. Satan I RENOUNCE you and all activities that I've taken part in with you. I confess today that JESUS IS LORD OF MY LIFE!
Christian MySpace GraphicsBe Careful How You Treat Me, Im Annointed!!!
The Bible, (Spirit Filled Womans Devotional Bible)One Day My Soul just opened up by Iyanla VanzantIn The Meantime by Iyanla VanzantHurt People, Hurt People by Sandra D. Wilson, Ph. DWoman Thou Art Loosed! By Bishop T.D. JakesLoose That Man and Let Him Go!! By Bishop T.D JakesThe Purpose Driven Life!! By Rick Warren The Threshing Floor!! By Juanita Bynum
God Almighty!!O, and also my crazy Twin brother!! I never noticed such a rapid (positive) change/growth in a person!!