*moe* profile picture


Rehabilitated Social Butterfly

About Me

i spend most my days cooking, cleaning, playing, and wiping dirty baby ass, not necessarily in that order.

My Interests

rocking out, clean sheets fresh outta the dryer and on my bed, binge bargain shopping, baking cookies and blueberry muffins on rainy days, granny dresses and worn-out chucks, reading, tripping out on my son and daughter, muu-muus, tattoos, hair dye, cooking and trying out new recipes, embroidery, i want to be reincarnated as a polka dot, sudoku, crossword and kakuro puzzles, brand new chonies and bras, nail polish and pedicures, coming up at the thrift store, piping hot bubble baths, spicy scallop hand rolls, walking in my neighborhood, pomegranate juice blend fraps, skulls, weirdos and winos, hanging out with friends and family

I'd like to meet:

Channing Tatum's body...or a cheap, trustworthy babysitter


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law and order:SVU, VH1 celebreality crap, bravo reality tv, i don't like to think too much when i watch t.v. i prefer it rot my brain.


Atlas Shrugged, Valley of the Dolls, Smack, A Clockwork Orange, Filth, American Skin, Virgin Suicides, Fight Club, Choke, Survivor, Diary, Lullaby, Invisible Monsters, The Art of War, any and all Bukowski


My Daddy- for proving that you can get to heaven by going through hell

My Blog


TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF - The Survey Name: Monica Birthday: 1st day of autumn Birthplace: Duarte, Ca Current Location: sitting on my butt in La Verne Eye Color: hazel- green, brown Hair Color...
Posted by *moe* on Fri, 17 Feb 2006 08:22:00 PST