film, music, writing, dancing, conversation, unique individuals, adventures, travel, photography, museums, art, food and tasties, music videos, the beach, sailing, bowling, mini-golf, camping, skiing, snowboarding, robots, politics, my peoples, cultural anthropology, animism, big ideas, "lex and ether" comics.
my inner child...before he was kidnapped by a group of skanks in an unmarked van...oh, and YOU of course.
i listen to everything. it is my job.
election, buffalo 66, happiness, welcome to the dollhouse, kids, gummo, storytelling, punch-drunk love, american movie, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, love liza, little miss sunshine, goonies.
the office, family guy, simpsons, seinfeld, adult swim, curb your enthusiasm, entourage, project runway.
Ummmm Johny Irving, Chomsky, Quinn, and my Mom's books.
my family...including myself.