bourne profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

who am i ? you sure you wanna know?the story of my life is not freat of heart

My Interests

music, beer ,drawing pictures

I'd like to meet:

someone new! but don't add me but never talk to me ..its annoyin'


i am loving music `i can't livin' without my ipod player(but now i really think sony is maybe much more better )i like all kinda music but i think most of punk is really hits me up,eminem (he's really suck a disk but motherfucker gunies!!!!,simple plan,blink 182,Green Day,Sum 41,and Avril (she's really hot... they are always my favorite bands


a lot of!but i really can't remember their english names~


television???what 's the fuck that??it means what my tv's brand? Anybody 's here can tell me dat...??




spiderman.Chair mao is a disk