waS bOrn aNd gRow uP in CaMigUin IslanD. LovEs biKinG,dANcinG,siNginG,tRavELs,plAyinG tHe piANO,cLuBBinG,sWiMminG oN dA bEacH wiD cOUsinS anD fRieNDs!vErY seNsitiVe,cARinG,intuiTivE,imAGinAtivE,aNd dOmeStic.CaNcEriaN: cANcEr iS thE cArdinAl siGn oF thE zOdiaC. it cAn bE LikEn tO a sAfe hArbOr iN wHicH boAts cAN tAKe shELtEr fROM thE daNGers oN thE sEa oF LifE.