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Just call me MACK

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Well lets see where to begin..I am an unmarried but not looking.....for anyone, red blood American male that is true to the rough neck or redneck statement which way you want to call it..I am a true hard working man in which has the habbits and tasted that makes me the the true defintion of a man I like bikes and beer, guns girls!!! Thats right I am a beer drinking, hell raising, hog riding, rude crude and tattooed, one of a kind. And you better be glad theres only one of me cause u couldnt handle two of me so thats about it when it comes to me what else are they to say..well let me know what you want to know that I didnt already said. ..

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Category Unknown
You don't fit into any of the above categories, so perhaps before you get angry or confused, check what other religion(s) you scored the highest on. For example, you might be a Christian-Pagan, or a Discordian-Wiccan. Just use a bit of logic. However, according to this test, you're simply 100% YOU. You don't fit into any of the world's boxes.
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