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Rutilans Rosa Sine Spina

About Me

Before I talk about myself, I would like to send my love to my King. "When praises go up, he sends his glory down". If I'm shaking, he holds me still, I'm never alone, never on my own. Thank you, God! A lot of things have happened to make me who I am today. I refuse to be a product of circumstance. I've been known to see the gloomy side of the street, but I fight for joy everyday. I am never one to conform to my environment. No matter the day or place, I am always of the same mind. I am who I am. I'm never the one to say that things go my way, but I always try and make the best of things. We are never given more than we are able to handle, I truly believe that. I never assume myself the innocent at all times, I just don't always make mental recordings. I do not hold grudges and I would like to say that I do, after all, have a heart for people. Like many of us, I am on the road for better understanding. I have respect for all views and walks of life, I can get along with just about anyone. I can honestly say that I understand change. When your heart goes through it, you keep the word "metamorphosis" in your palm. I don't understand everything that is thrown at me, but I would like to consider my life on an ever-growing scale. Or at the very least, close to finding it. One day God's mind will unfold and this road will make sense. So many important people have moved in and out of my life. I love my friends, they have shown me that I am loved in return, that is the greatest gift you can offer someone. My loved ones are the reason I remember how to smile in the mornings!
Watermark by * Assassintrix on deviant ART

My Interests

^^This is my boyfriend, Anthony. I ♥ him!

Likes: My teeth, orange juice, my eyes, starchy foods, traveling, knowing the answer, "The Inc.", eye make-up, reading, hangin' around in book stores, hoodies, bracelets, that i didn't inherit red hair like my other sibs, art, smart ppl that can hold their own, Henry VIII, rain, winter, books, colors, love, singing, writing, chai tea, movies, holding hands, talking, debates, old things, boxes, certain members of my family, convenience at it's best (haha), sweet nothings, honesty and trust. "Come up to the lab And see what's on the slab I see you shiver with antici...pation But maybe the rain Isn't really to blame So I'll remove the cause But not the symptom!"

Dislikes:Whinners, picture theifs, LIARS, Two-faced ppl, someone that can give it but cant take it, stereotypes, prejudice, ppl that label themselves and then get mad when ppl stare, dumb ppl, illiteracy, the list goes on.... apple juice, my cousin's mexican cooking*vomit*, closed in spaces, being hung up on, cheaters, tomatoes, cleaning house,WHEN PPL MESSAGE ME THEN DITCH CUZ I WON'T GET ON CAM!!!, braggers, show-off's, when I hear something "through the grape vine", hypothyroidism, make-up lines, BTS, greasy food, when ppl say "religion not relationship", snow, jealousy, stage fright, I hate worries(ne little thing makes my mind crazy with ideas or how to fix-ems) and i hate disrespectful ignorants! PLEASE RESPECT OTHER PEOPLE'S VIEWS!!

I'd like to meet:


I like just about everyone when it comes to good people.



L Lucky
A Awesome
U Unusual
R Refined
A Ambivalent





^^Miss Audrey.

Psalms 100 Gospel show choir, you guys are truely my brothers and sisters, and Miss Shelia, I love you especially, don't give my Psalms T away, I'll be back! You all are my heros for loving me and making me feel wanted, I miss you all so much, thanks for everything!

My Blog

X-Men Personality Quiz.

You scored as Rogue. Rogue is a strong but tragic personality.  She loves Gambit.  Because of her mutant powers, she cannot touch anyone without hurting them.  Therefore, she longs for...
Posted by Ellejae" on Sat, 21 Apr 2007 09:53:00 PST

ouch!!!: Johnny cash - hurt

Johnny cash - hurt Add to My Profile | More Videos...
Posted by Ellejae" on Wed, 18 Apr 2007 12:15:00 PST

"Erin Go Braugh" 90%

90% Congratulations! You are totally Irish. Whether your kin actually hails from the Emerald Isle, or you just know a heck of a lot about Irish trivia, you have earned the right to dress a...
Posted by Ellejae" on Sun, 18 Mar 2007 06:38:00 PST
Posted by Ellejae" on Fri, 16 Mar 2007 03:34:00 PST

which Johnny depp r u?

You Are Edward From "Edward Scissorhands."You are very shy and often misunderstood. Innocent, sweet, and artistic, you like to pass your days by daydreaming and expressing yourself t...
Posted by Ellejae" on Wed, 03 Jan 2007 10:29:00 PST

pearl harbor day..

its grandma jettie's burfday... :O(
Posted by Ellejae" on Fri, 08 Dec 2006 04:09:00 PST

What kind of people do you attract??

What type of person do you attract? Your Result: You attract geeks! Your stunning intellect and love of sci-fi and video games allures the geeks like nothing else.  Maybe it is the sparkle in you...
Posted by Ellejae" on Tue, 21 Nov 2006 05:20:00 PST


~~~~~~~~~~Red~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1.Closest red thing to you?RIBON2. Have you ever fallen down the stairs?YEAH, AT A CHURCH LOCK IN...3. Last thing to make you angry?SOME WAL-MART DICK, HATIN' ON MY HOOD.4....
Posted by Ellejae" on Sat, 28 Oct 2006 11:01:00 PST

How evil are ya?

You Are 44% Evil  You are evil, but you haven't yet mastered the dark side.Fear not though - you are on your way to world domination. How'>">How E...
Posted by Ellejae" on Fri, 27 Oct 2006 06:12:00 PST

November's thug?

NOVEMBER=THUGThis straight-up means ur the most good-lookingLoyal and generous. Patriotic. Competitivein everything. Active in games and interactions.Impatient and hasty. Ambitious. Influential inorga...
Posted by Ellejae" on Mon, 23 Oct 2006 11:57:00 PST