L ong ago, visionary J.P. Zammit and future guru Dan Karmel met near a fence by an elementary school. They decided that one day they would form a band together. In early 2006, this band came in to its final formation with the addition of synth-rocking heartthrob Steve Hull and the always reliable Dave Tilove. Side effects of standing near the collected band of Woodward include fainting, elevated heart rate, sudden desire to dance, and the risk of becoming overly rocked-out.
S ince its inception, Woodward has had a unique vintage tone, and has reminded everyone that music is supposed to be fun. With a reverence for the musical styles and cult-classical artistic themes that have defined a generation, Woodward reminds its audience of where rock’s been, while quite seriously challenging where it might go by integrating sounds that are both fresh and nostalgic.
P roud of their hometown heritage, Woodward is named after the Detroit thoroughfare Woodward Avenue, which bridges worlds by connecting the Northern suburbs to the Southern tip of downtown Detroit. Anyone who lives near Woodward Ave. is welcome to put Woodward the Band stickers on all the street signs. If you are caught, we will disavow all knowledge of your actions, and this MySpace will self-destruct in ten seconds.
W oodward is currently touring nationally, and will probably be in your hometown soon. Woodward enjoys long walks on the beach, whiskey, dogs, will punch you in the face, and is being super-serial.