Betwixt 18th September and Easter (shifts fom year to year) I do sup mostly this:
Betwixt Easter (shifts from year to year) and 17th September, I do sup mostly this:
This is the Genius of David Shrigley... click his blue name that you just read and be amazed.
I'd like to meet:
Film peeps... And anyone else who has ever listed jalapeno's as a hobby!
Then of course there's your basic totty/hero worship list, so I'm talkin':
the Stipester, (I TOUCHED him man, oh yeah...)...
Ewan Mc-G (Guys and Dolls, Woof!)
Tennant, natch (although I will have to get in a queue behind pretty much everyone I know and I'm too polite to push in)
Eddie Izzard (I think we are on a similar wavelength - apart from he's a genius comic an' all)
Kevin Spacey (I would get his autograph for Elk)
John Cussack (cause I went through a phase of drawing him and I would whip out all me sketches stalker style and go, "See, John? See what I did for you? I'M YOUR BIGGEST FAN..." - even though I'm not - and he would go pegging it down the road and I would quickly sketch that too)
Dermot O'Leary (he hot AND cool...)
Robert De Niro (I would ask him if I could call him Bobby D and he would say, "What? Bobby Davro? No way Jose!")
And I would make the bearded Blessed say, "YOU SEE!"
First off I just have to say that the aforementioned Shriggers wrote lyrics which have been turned into an album 'Worried Noodles' by many talented muso's... ten piles of awesome!
The guitar solo in the Pumpkins' 'Cherub Rock' at Reading this summer was the closest I have been to music heaven in a long itme. I was hoping to bannish my Corgan fixation but instead it got a bit worse...Tonight Tonight under a clear dusk sky... RUN VT!
Rightio then, if you're gonna make me do a top-three-er, I'd have to say:
I went to see Guillemots
(click the blue word, click it! Click it now! View their website, 'tis wonderous-strange...)at Birmingham Alexandra in November 06 and it was BY FAR one of the MOST AMAZING sounds I have ever ever heard and I am totally in love with them and will be always. I'm currently clinging onto the desperate, desperate hope that Blur will reform and headline next year's Reading, or reform and make a new album, or reform and tour, or reform and drink tea, or just reform. It's basically about the reforming. (The hope is reform-based). REM's Dublin Olympia show rocked my world. It made me blog, for goodness sake. I can't wait for the next album. I know it's gonna be the one I have been waiting for since Hi-Fi. Without sounding corny it's worth mentioning that I class REM as one of the constants in my life. They are in my blood.
OK, time for a picture. Here's the 'mots at Glasto (well, Fyfe anwyays)...wish I had been there...
I get accused of being stuck in the '90's for refusing to believe Britpop is over, (I actively champion this with my good pal Elk)......and for wearing tanktops (which I thought were '70's anyway...)- again with the Elkster. I'm currently enjoying the revival of various Britpoppers, notably Kula Shaker, Shed 7, Ocean Colour Scene, Marion (does anyone remember Marion?) - and I'm holding out for the 'swear, Sleeper, Echobelly, Perfume, Mansun - come on guys! You know you wanna (reform and do a tour peddling old hits and disguising your aging faces that is).
Also lovin' Cold War Kids, Gogol Bordello, Silversun Pickups, Sunshine Underground, the Klaxons, Bright Eyes, Bloc Party, Kings of Leon, Bat for Lashes and Hot Chip at the mo, (and I'm sure I'd like the new Bjork album if Elk hurried up and copied it for me - yes Elk, I'm still waiting, how long has this text been on here, eh?) and I'm also digging a few oldies out like Bowie, Cat Stevens, King Crimson, Pink Floyd, The Beatles Love Album (it's ALL BEAUTIFUL) ELO (ahem...) and the Pet Shop Boys (*cringe*.) Now, in the depths of this paragraph I hope it's safe to admit my love-wobble for Calvin Harris. Ooh, it's his little Scottish gorgeousness and phat choons, ill beats and dark bass..I know it's not right, and I'm not proud of myself but there it is. I gave up smoking (kind of). A girl's gotta have a vice...
And finally...shout outs to
Eugene McGuinness and his lovely little mini-album - I saw him at possibly his one and only Brum gig - sort it out, Euge!...) - and
Lightspeed Champion - a touch shambolic but charming nonetheless.
Ooh look, another pretty slideshow....
Aren't films great? Yeah they are.... hell yeah.
Currently reading:
Here, have some quotes...
"In everyone there sleeps
A sense of life lived according to love
To some it means the difference they could make
By loving others, but across most it sweeps
As all they might have done had they been loved. - Philip Larkin.
"Build a man a fire, and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life." - Terry Pratchett.
"A lot of Christians wear crosses around their necks. You think when Jesus comes back, he ever wants to see a fucking cross? Kind of like going up to Jackie Onassis with a rifle pendant on, you know." - Bill Hicks.
"Success is blocked by concentrating on it and planning for it...Success is shy - it won't come out while you're watching." - Tennessee Williams.
"We don't need lists of rights and wrongs, tables of do's and don'ts: we need books, time, and silence. Thou shalt not is soon forgotten, but Once Upon A Time lasts forever." - Philip Pullman.
“My fault, my failure, is not in the passions I have, but in my lack of control of them.†- Jack Kerouac.
Don't talk to me about Heroes, most of these men sing like Surfs!
Oh, OK then. Buffy. Look, she's Lego:
And my folks. They aren't Lego - (yet)
And then there's the man, the legend, fellow Jedi Michael Stipe. Worshiped from afar by me since 1989.
River Phoenix 1970-1993..