About Me
Some dope beats::
So you wanna know huh...
First I shall begin to describe tales [concerning] the awesome king and brave man, the history of the ancestors from whom the entire country was settled; then, added to these, tales about the giants and vain fables about inept troops which conceived and gave birth to the Tower, and then were dispersed throughout the great, countless uninhabited places where [previously] no voice had penetrated. Titans were ceaselessly putting each other to the sword; [and they were] the first to rule over the world.
Be'l the Titan regarded himself as above all the races of mankind, not recognizing his own nature; rather, he summoned all the races of mankind to his service. Now at that time Hayk, born of Japheth (Abet'), did not want to submit in service to King Be'l, disdaining to call him a god. So Be'l attacked Hayk in battle, but valiant Hayk harassed him with [his] bow.
This is the Hayk who begat his son Aramenak in Babylon. Aramenak begat numerous sons and daughters, the eldest [son being] Aramayis. Aramayis begat many sons and daughters, the eldest being Amasia. Amasia begat many sons and daughters, the eldest being Gegham. Gegham begat many sons and daughters, the eldest being Harma. Harma begat many sons and daughters, the eldest being Aram. Aram begat many sons and daughters, the eldest being Ara the Handsome.
[2] Now these are the names of the men who gave birth to [the Armenian] race who were born in Babylon and went to the northern areas, to the country of Ararad. For Hayk left Babylon with his wife and sons and all their household. He went and settled in the Ararad country in an estate at the foot of a mountain, which previously had been built by Zruan together with his fathers and brothers.
Hayk gave to his grandson Kadmos, Aramenak's son, [this] property in inheritance. Then [Hayk] himself went farther north and settled in the midst of a highland plain which he named Hark', after the name of the Fathers. [g48]
The country was called Hayk', appropriately [named] after him, and the people, Haykids [Armenians].
Now this Hayk was very strong and handsome, and an extremely powerful archer and warrior.
At that time the giant Be'l the Titan ruled as king in Babylon, a hunter and grand false god who was extremely powerful and very handsome. He was ruler over all peoples spread across the face of the entire world and he [accomplished] his royal commands over all peoples with the aid of witchcraft. In his boastful pride, [Be'l] erected images of himself and had the country worship him as a god and offer sacrifices.
All peoples immediately implemented his orders, except for a certain [man] named Hayk, the patriarch (nahapet) of peoples who did not submit to his service, did not erect [Be'l's] image in his home and did not glorify him as a god.
This man's name was Hayk, and King Be'l conceived a great grudge against him. King Be'l massed troops in Babylon and went against Hayk to kill him.
He reached the country of Ararad and the estate which was their patrimony which had been built at the base of the mountain. Kadmos fled to Hark' to inform his father, saying: "King Be'l is coming against you and has reached the estate there, and so I, with my wife and children have come [to you] as fugitives."
Hayk took Aramenak and his son Kadmos as well as their sons and the sons of their seven daughters, gigantic men but few in number.
Hayk went to fight King Be'l but was unable to confront him because of the multitude of [Be'l's] gigantic armored men.
Now when Hayk struck at King Be'l, Be'l wanted to seize him with his own hands, but Hayk evaded him and fled. In hot pursuit, Be'l went after him with his weapons-bearer.
Hayk halted and asked him: "Why do you pursue me? Return to your own place so that you do not die today at my hands, for my arrow will not miss its mark." Then Be'l replied: "[I pursue you in person] so that you do not fall into the hands of my young men and perish. Instead, [g49] give yourself up to me and live in my house in peace, looking after the young hunters in my house."
Hayk answered him, saying: "You are a dog and from a pack of dogs, you and your people. Therefore, today I will empty my quiver at you." The Titan King [Be'l] was armored and trusted in the full armoring of his person.
[3] Hayk, [descendant] of Japheth, advanced closer, holding in his hand a bow which was like a branch of a mighty pine tree, and then he took position against [Be'l] with his bow at the ready. He picked up [the] quiver from the ground by him and [putting an arrow] to the gigantic arc of his bow, drew it back to his shoulder and [released the] arrow [which] forcefully penetrated the armor plating, pierced the bronze shield, passed through the pillar of meat and emerged, falling on the ground. The giant, who thought himself to be a god, immediately fell to the ground and his troops fled. Pursuing them, [Hayk and his troops] took herds of horses, mules and camels from them.
Hayk returned to his own place; and he went and took over the country of Ararad and dwelled there with his clan (azg), until now. At the time of his death, he gave his heritable property to his grandson, Katmos, son of Aramenak, brother of Harma. And he ordered Aramenak to go to the northern region where he himself had first dwelled.