fat! jenny. profile picture

fat! jenny.

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

About Me: vintage ..

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Who I'd Like to Meet: someone who will be in my band.


[boards of canada] [the arcade fire] [worm is green] [beatles] [nobukazu takemura] [atmosphere] [bjork] [talking heads] [dilated peoples] [clinic] [blonde redhead] [swayzak] [depeche mode] [broadcast] [aphex twin] [the cure] [the faint] [m83] [radiohead] [spoon] [the roots] [outkast] [morrissey] [plaid] [nick drake] [my bloody valentine] [ella fitzgerald] [bob dylan] [bright eyes] [mum] [goldfrapp] [flaming lips] [ladytron] [joy division] [madvillian] [sigur ros] [slowdive] [the smiths] [cunning linguists] [stereo total] [elliott smith] [french kicks] [!!!] [mos def] [cat power] [de la soul] [aesop rock][gorillaz] [xiu xiu] [patrick wolf] [kraftwerk]


[amelie].."http://www.msplinks.com/MDFodHRwOi8vcGhvdG9idWNrZ XQuY29t" target="_blank" [harold and maude] [donnie darko] [francois truffaut] [office space] [american beauty] [princess bride] [howl's moving castle] .."http://www.msplinks.com/MDFodHRwOi8vcGhvdG9idWNrZXQuY29t" target="_blank" [snatch] [suicide club] [the departed] [army of darkness] [edward scissorhands] [battle royale] [kill bill 1 and 2] [memento] [monty python and the holy grail] [wet hot american summer] [the big lebowski]


[conan o' brien] [arrested developement] [24] [family guy] [ali g] [curb your enthusiasm]


[vonnegut] [cummings] [murakami]


nelson bruggeman. duh.