MARSHA profile picture



About Me

I like these pictures Marsha Hunt..i got her name

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My Interests

TIM BURTON, Matthew Barney, Spike Jonze, HUNTER S Thomson, Inua Ellams mmm,mmm,mmmmmmmmmmmm Hera... & Take it easy..the easier you take it..the easier it becomes brrrraaa


Nina SIMONE, The View, KASABIAN, the BLACK KEYS, Karan Dalton, Amy Winehouse, bit of FRaNk Sinatra, RUMBLE STRIPS, Phoenix, Hot Chip, RITON Pete D, Kate Nash, Rod Stu, Peggy Sue And THE PIRATES, kings of Leon, Taskforce, QUASIMOTO, ARCTIC MONKEYS, Architecture in Helsinki, The Enemy, I AM KLOOT..first album..ruuuude boys, a bugged out mix! DJ SHADOW, Cavatina, JJ.CALE, Cat Powers, Jamie T, VELVET UNDERGROUND.


HANNA BI, Tokyo Drifter, DEAD MAN, BREATHLESS, Igby Goes Down, Kung Fu Hustle, BREAKFAST CLUB, anything by BEAT Takeshi, Sonatine, WAKING LIFE, MY STUPID LIFE- random film i caught about a glue sniffer.., SPIRITED AWAY, Pans Labrynth, DEERHUNTER, Crouching Tiger,.. Le Heine, RAGING BULL, ONCE UPON A TIME IN AMERICA, Fear & Loathing, GUMMO, HOUSE OF THE Flying Daggers, KES, True Romance, THE LAST DAYS.. seriously Will I want it back.. Happiness,EDWARD SCISSORHANDS Big Fish, blah blah, GOONIES standard.,.


tv's rubbish..but.. X Factor, Shameless, Mighty Boosh....


THE OUTSIDER, Anything by Will Self,,, Pappillon .... THE LIFE AND TIMES OF MICHAEL K, Charles BUKOWSKI,,,Thirteen Negro Fairy Tales,, THE SECRET HISTORY -Donna Tart., THE PECULIAR MEMOIRS OF THOMAS PENMAN,,,,Camus, The Master of St.Petersburg, The Importance of being Idle, Benjamin ZEPHANIAH,,,,chomsky, In a Free State, Tim Burtons- The Melancholic Death of An Oyster Boy = ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha kEROUACS BOOK OF BLUES.


PapiArt school mess