GREAZY BEANER profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

I'M A BEANER thats all u need to know

My Interests

what is your name? Victor figueroa
when is your birthday? 10/25/1985
where do you live? Indianapolis,Indiana
do you like living there? sort of
what school do you go to? I dropped out of NORTHWEST High School
who is your best friend? Im not sure
who is your (current/last) boyfriend/girlfriend? Brittany Strode
do you think you are/were in love with them? Yes i am
are you straight or gay or bi or what? straight
do you get along with your parents? Sometimes
what kind of music do you like? Psychobilly,Rockabilly,Punk,Bluegrass
what is your favorite band? Ive have to many
what kind of music do you hate? rap
what is the craziest thing you have ever done? Ive done to many of those
what do you regret the most? Droppin out of school
have you ever been arrested? Once
have you ever smoked? Smoked what?
have you ever gotten drunk? Yes
what is your AIM screen name? [email protected]
what color are your eyes? Brown
what color is your hair? Black
what do you like the most about yourself? Nothing
what do you hate the most about yourself? Nothing
what is your favorite movie? Cars,and the life story of Betty Page
what is your favorite song? Rose of the devils Garden,Nekrofilia
what is your favorite non-alcoholic drink? Coke
what is your favorite alcoholic drink? Rum and Coke,beer
peanut butter and jelly or fluff? Peanut butter and Fluff
what time is it right now? 1:48 am
do you have a life? I Guess
do you consider yourself depressed? Nope
are you more like a prep or goth? NONE Punk
what is your favorite color? Black,and Red
are you annoyed at how random these questions are? Kinda
are you a virgin? No
did you answer that honestly? Yes
how tall are you? I don't remember
do you want kids? In the future
do you believe in god? Kinda
have you ever done cocaine? Fuck no,that shit is for idiots
have you ever tried committing suicide? Nope
have you ever intentionally hurt yourself? Once for the hell of it
do you get along with your best friend's boyfriend/girlfriend? Yup
do you have any piercings/tatoos? Yes i have one tatoo,and im going to get some more
do you want any piercings/tatoos? I want more tattoos
what shoe size are you? 10.5,11
do you have any siblings? Yes one yunger brother,and a older sister
do you have any kids? Nope not yet
ever been pregnant? If i become pregnant then somethings wrong with this picture.
ever gotten your girlfriend pregnant? no comment
what is the last thing you bought? Food
who was the last person you called? My homie seth
who was the last person that called you? My homie
have you ever skipped school? Um thats the reason why i dropped out
how many times? Three years
do you write in cursive or print? Print
do you feel naked without eyeliner? I don'y use i liner
do you like rollercoasters? Hell yea
have you ever driven drunk? Nope
have you ever been in a car with the person driving drunk? Nope
have you ever lied to someone? Yep
have you ever set yourself on fire? I don't remember
have you ever been in a fist fight? Yes
have you ever been shot? Nope
have you ever been stabbed? Yes in lower back
what shoes do you wear? Any kind
do you have ADD? I think i have a touch of it
do you have ADHD? Nope
do you have OCD? Nope
have you ever puked on purpose? Nope
how many hearts have you broken? To many
how many times has your heart been broken? To many
do you think your good looking? Nope
what is your favorite candy? Nerds,Lemon heads,Resses
what do your bedsheets look like? Like bedsheets
do you like summer or winter better? Both
how many countries have you been to? Two,Mexico,and canada
in your last relationship, how did you break up? like all other break ups
who was the last person other than you to sleep in your bed? no one
do you believe in love at first sight? Yes
do you have braces? Nope
do you have glasses? Nope but i think i need them
what makes you happy? Cars
what makes you upset? Im not sure
do you think people who are white that think they're black are hot? Nope i hate them
do you have any pets? Yes one pit bull and one min pin
what was the last thing you ate? Chips
if you add up all of the digits in your phone number, what do you get? I don't fuckin know
are you glad this is fucking over? Yes damn it