music, music, music. Beaches, sea, hotdogs from the british club in good old Abs, the cheese in kfc in abu dhabi, man i never get kfc in the uk coz it has no tubs of cheese! CHILIS! BUT NEVER GET TAKEAWAY COZ THE CHICKEN GOES ALL SOGGY! in fact i dont actually like the chicken that much its just the honey mustard dip they have! mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! i quite like painting and drawing and writing random things BUT i never find the time 2 do so! i hate to admit it but i like myspace, i dont really like facebook but u can see everyones fotos! always handy!
Brandon Boyd coz he is FIT! Lots of crazy ppl who like 2 party! Or maybe i could party with brandon boyd?
hideous kinky, the constant gardener, pulp fiction, trainspotting, om back, cant think of anything else right now!
OC, i hate it but im addicted!
SPACED!!!!! the best in the world
the office is fantabulous
i love and i mean just love neighbours and hollyoaks!
they are both poo but i still love them!
MySpace Avatars Lyrics
Robin! (batmans robin, not robin the hood however my mate joe looks like robin the hood thats on the tv at the mo! ha ha ha) Bradley Nowell Charlie Chaplin