Blazze <*> profile picture

Blazze &lt;*&gt;

My Space Galaxy #7

About Me

I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !
Professional Web Site Here: ............................................................ .... and MySpace Music site Here: ............................................................ ......................
I am grateful for abundence, and it is Cool that I'm no fool. I treat people like I want to be treated: with kindness and respect. I am nice to a point ...^... ~ But ~ Don't mistake kindness for weakness. I am among the best guitarists, songwriters and sound engineers in this part of the galaxy and left of the Space Coast of Florida. My music is so here & now, it's Post Modern & yet Futuristic. Heavy and Deep as Love is..and as the sky is wide and blue.
Mottoz ...... the more you say ...... the less people will remember. Look at your friends ... look at your future!!!! (if ya like what ya see U R OK if not time to weed out the wasteoids and send them on their way !) Best get Rich Plan ...... the -constant cash flowing towards you- one. Many Blessings 2 U, you evolving Gods and Goddess's For we are all connected and co-creators of our reality ....... L8R Blazze

My Interests

Heavy Rock Guitar, the warm fuzzy kind. Music all kinds 'cept: Haters, Polka and Country. Sex, Love, Spirituality, Money, Prosperity, Family, Playboy Bunnies, Penthouse Pets, Boobies, Honey Buns, etc. etc.

I'd like to meet:

People aspiring as me. Gods and Goddess's Rock n Roll saviors & servants of the Universe, timeless, eternal. Etherial. But if you are from this glaxay that's a plus, and a few Earth Dwellers as well.


Rock, Acoustic, Jazz, Blues, Techno, Hard Rock Metal, Acid Rock, Classic Rock, Specific New Age,


I Sell & Install Home Theater for a living (100 years now) so like movies from 1977 (when surround sound was invented THANKS George Lucas) to like now. Mostley Sci. Fi. and Comedies. Paranormal. I'm a Dude, & emotional musician. If it's too serious or political I get bummed out too easy.


110" projecter, 53", 32" 28" and 13". Yeah TV is cool TiVo makes it WAY cooler, pause Live TV how awesome is that?! Dual tuners Digital Satellite .


Kahuna Healing, Urban Shaman, Spiritwalker, Celestine Prophicies, Peaceful Warrior, & Playboy, -lol- (for the articles)


Guitar, guitar and more guitar, bass drums and singers too. Monster Magnet, QOTSA, Accept, Robin Trower, Thin Lizzy, Randy Rhoads, Ozzy, Black Sabbath, Rush, Judas Priest, God Smack. Dimebag Darrell. Pantera, Damage Plan. Joe Satriani, Eric Johnson, Tesla, Accept, AC/DC, UFO. Micheal Shenker, Scorpions, Frank Marino, Pat Travers, Lynard Synard, Molly Hatchet, Audio Slave, Rage Against The Machine, Queens Ryche, KISS, Pat Thrall, DIO, C.O.C., Ratt, Love Hate, Acoustic Alchemy, George Lucas, Steven Speilberg, Angelina Jolie, Pam Anderson, Brad Pitt, Charlie Sheen, C.S.I. Miami, Art Bell, George Noorey, Coast to Coast AM, David Lynch, Gene Rodenberry, Etc. Etc. Etc.

My Blog

Manifest Intent

What we think we bring to us, we have been through the amature zone regarding local musicans that are Hobbyist, you know weekend pro.s with ego.s the size of an arena rocker. What is funny is when you...
Posted by Blazze <*> on Thu, 17 May 2007 04:56:00 PST

Paparazzi Strobe Light Gun

If I were famous, which as of now I am not . But anyway, I would have invented a Paparazzi Strobe Light Gun. That would be a flashlight size device, that I could turn on when I was out and about...
Posted by Blazze <*> on Fri, 23 Feb 2007 08:55:00 PST

Reasons & Excuses & The Difference.

Reasons & Excuses & The Difference. Any one who has goals and achieves them, know that the process is a try, & try again until you succeed. This means you will go through the land of ...
Posted by Blazze <*> on Fri, 29 Sep 2006 07:21:00 PST

Equinox Thoughts ..... Thanks To :

Who Owns Your Happiness?by Serge Kahili King Recently I found myself getting very unhappy with someone about something. As the unhappiness grew I was reminded by myself that happiness is a choice, so ...
Posted by Blazze <*> on Fri, 22 Sep 2006 01:27:00 PST

Check Out my Music Site for ........

New Guitar solos posted from songs to be released ..... when I feel like it Also ........ Live shows for the partyin' type o' people.......... Get to play guitar live for several hours with a HO...
Posted by Blazze <*> on Fri, 21 Jul 2006 02:01:00 PST If Disclosure is going to come to us it will be directly, not through our government, which we all know is corrupt, nor NASA, SETI or the Military Idustrial Comp...
Posted by Blazze <*> on Fri, 16 Jun 2006 08:26:00 PST

Yeah Wierd Blog

Yeah Wierd Blog, Yeah Wierd Blog,Yeah Wierd Blog, Yeah Wierd Blog, etc. so on and so forth
Posted by Blazze <*> on Fri, 26 May 2006 10:13:00 PST

7 Shaman Principles

7 Shaman Principles 1. IKE: Awareness and nurturing of the 3 aspects of self. Mind, Body, Soul.  2. KALA: There are no limitations, i.e. only the one's we or others place upon us. 3. MA...
Posted by Blazze <*> on Fri, 19 May 2006 06:29:00 PST

Universal Prayer of Protection & Prosperity

Aumakua! Grok & Bless, All Around, Above & Below. Make it So! May all of my Family, Friends, & Business Associates, be surrounded by La a' Kea! All Around Above & Below! Safe Tra...
Posted by Blazze <*> on Fri, 12 May 2006 12:55:00 PST

The 11:11 Universal and Spiritual Laws of the Cosmos

MAKA WICAHPI WICOHAN [Dakota Sioux] The 11:11 Universal and Spiritual Laws of the Cosmos Universal Law of Free WillSpiritual Law of Freedom of ManUniversal Law of ChangeSpiritual Law of Growth of Man ...
Posted by Blazze <*> on Tue, 18 Apr 2006 03:28:00 PST