FaSt CaRs (brrrooommm!!!), SwEeTs, cHeeSe, PaSta ( im craving agen...yum!!! yum!!!), WatChiNg MoviEs, TaKiNg PiCtUrEs w/ maH fRiEnDz aNd mY bOyFriEnD, sHoPping, CoLLeCtiNg qt StUffs, MiX n MaTcH, BaR hOppiNg
anyone =)
RnB sLoW n HipHop, TrAnce, AcOusTic, ALterNatiVes & JaZz
If OnLy, ScAry MoViE 1-4, FaNtaStiC 4, 50 FiRst DatEs, Just mArriEd, CrUeL iNtEntiOns, 13th GhOst, LoVe ActUaLLy, ThE giRL neXt DooR, MeeT d FoCkErs, 13 gOiNg oN 30, WhiTe ChiCks & Hot ChiQ
Rock StaR suPernoVa, 30 sEconDs tO fAmE, HBO, Art AttAcK, ExTrA ChaLLeNge, Mr. BeAn and ETC
SToRieS oF LifE and LaUgHtEr, GadGetS, T3, DrAmA QuEeN & FaShioN Magz...etc