I love this song and one of the better amvs I have seen. This song from my knowledge was printed on only 2500 cds in a different country so its very expensive. I could be wrong but oh well. Hope you like it. OH MY....I CANNOT WAIT TILL THIS IS OUT!!!!!If you haven't watched this show find out what your missing...
I feel really bad for this guy...just when you reach you most patheic moment...somebody records it and posts it on you tube..."BusinessMan BreakDown" I loved this video and the music is so sad...its just makes me remember something sad..."the piano" The shit they can do with computers and photos is amazing...I like the song too "Extreme photoshop" This was a cool video that I saw...Its not scary but its got some interesting pictures...oh and don't worry there is nothing rigged about this video...or is there? "Ghosts Pictures Show" OK THIS ONE IS A BIT SCARY...do you hope this video isn't rigged either?"Ghosts, Spirits, and Demons" THIS IS SOOO FREAKING HILARIOUS...NOW TELL ME IS IT REALLY LIKE THIS???...OH HONEY DAT YOUR FINGA..."ANJELAH JOHNSON NAIL SALON"