creepy decor, spiders, rockin' my life away, lone star beer, tattoos, candy, karaoke, sarcasm, puns, bad jokes, Halloween, sewing, my wonderful friends, hanging out in dive bars, listening to records, not checking the mail, not answering my phone, my rad family, useless information and trivia, djing and playin' the jamz, making mix cds, shoes, my imaginary black metal bands, collecting crappy vinyl albums like the ones listed below, interpretive dancing.
Please message me if you send an add request! Otherwise I'll probably just leave you in "friend request purgatory" indefinitely, unless you are the guy in this video. If you are, please be my date to Elysium on Sunday.
White Lion
White Wolf
Night at the Roxbury, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, This is Spinal Tap, Crybaby, Detroit Rock City, Office Space, all those old John Hughes movies, The Lost Boys
Background Noise.
Anything by Dave Barry, true crime, horror
,Dave Barry, my Grandma,
and Michael Angelo, guitar player for Nitro - wait for the solo: