Flat track motorcycle racer and promoter, President of Recreational Action Sports Entertainment (RASE LLC), President of Billings Motorcycle Club (BMC) 2005, 2006 and 2007, Owner / President Midland Claims Service, Inc and Industrial Injury Claims (independent property, casualty and workers' compensation claims third party administrator (TPA)), President Underwriting Solutions, Inc. (insurance agency specializing in business insurance), President Claims Technology, Inc. (insurance / self-insurance claims administration software)From insurance and self-insurance claims to promoting a motorcycle and quad flat track racing event, if you "do the 'right' thing" in all circumstances, the results will follow.Praise Him.For more information about some of the great motorcycle competition events held in Billings, check out:
Ride The Big Sky(tm) on MySpace
Billings Motorcycle Club and the Great American Championship Motorcycle Hill Climb