MISS CARLOS profile picture


I'm a business woman, you can't always have me when you want me, but if you wait for me, you might b

About Me

About Shawna Marie???? That's Miss Carlos to you!!! haha Well... I'm latin and when I love I love with everything i have, family is my first love and my friends are a close second (of course next to bailey my bulldog!!) I'm recently back in Billings and i'm selling real estate and starting to model again, so i try to keep busy!! You look at me and think i'm probably the biggest girliE-girl ever.... but i love and know more about sports then most men.... sorry not in to hockey though..I'm one of the most down to earth people you will ever meet, i love to laugh and make my friends laugh as well, cause i'm rick james bitch!!! I'm at a piont in my life were i'm so comfortable in my own skin and i'm so thankful for everyone thats been in my life and taught me a lesson, good or bad, cause i'm a stronger person for all the experiences i've had. Muah!!!!!I'M THE OFFICIAL LADY OF HOOD STARS CLOTHING.... SO GET READY LADIES THE NEW STUFF WILL BE OUT AND IT WILL BE HOT, FOR SURE.. FOR PROMOTIONAL EVENTS FOR HOOD STARS AND THEIR FIRST LADY HIT ME UP OR THE DIRECT MYSPACE OF HOOD STARS CLOTHING LOCATED AT THE BOTTOM OF THE PAGE....WWW.hoodstarsclothing.comMUAH!!! .. HOOD STARS CLOTHING CO. .. ..
All the steps you've walked in your life have molded you into exactly the person you need to be! So I embrace myself and love all the important people in my life... so if your one of the important people in my life don't take my trust for granted cause it's not easily given...I have a career that I love, i'm following my dreams and have my world at my fingertips! I have a family that loves unconditionaly... friends that I can count on no matter what and all I can do is smile.. So i'm blessed. ..I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4

My Interests

I love sports!! I'm a huge Duke fan!!!!UNC SUCKS ASS!! (SORRY THAT'S NOT VERY LADIE LIKE!!) I'm interested in traveling and seeing new places! Maui has captured my heart and with my real estate career my goal is to own property there by my 28th birthday!!div

I'd like to meet:

Some one who is a good judge of character, one who holds thier head up high and walks with all the confidence in the world but is also grounded and humble. Some one who respects themself enough to compliment and appreciate beauty from with in.One who relizes that tomorrow is never promised so they should tell people who are important to them, how much they mean as if it was the last time together.Some one who forgives and stands tall when they have made a mistake... the one who knows that family is the most important factor in life...
Myspace Graphics, Glitter Graphics, Layouts


Anything I can dance too!! You can catch me and my girls breaking it down on the dance floor were ever we might be located at...b-town.. L.V... Sea town... you never know!!!


The break-up, fools rush in, casino, sprung, Brown surgar (you know what I mean megs!!) old school, home video's!!!


Sports center, i can't live without it!!! and nip/tuck!! of course MTV.


Anything that teaches me to be a little more sucsessful in life and my career... The bible.


My dad, the man who has tought me that i'm beautiful from the inside out, the man who's made me relize that a womens self respect is shown through her presence with out ever saying a word! My best friend!!