Things I dont know, Azeroth, Pretty Much any book involving epic scale battles and military strategy, Girls(falls under first category), Poetry, Chess, Music (Classic Rock), And I am intrested in the Insane
Tom...he seems like a cool guy, I mean hell everyone knows him.
ACDC, The Beatles, The Who, Queen, Led Zeppelin, Guns 'N Roses, Billey Joel, John Bon Jovi, Steppinwolf, Black Sabath, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Tenacious D, The Eagles, Sting, Van Halen, Def Leppard, Motely Crue, JIMI HENDRIX, BTO, Simon and Garfunkel, The Kinks, The Who, The Rolling Stones, The Sound of Animals Fighting, Circa Survive, Simon and Garfunkel
Anchorman, Dodgeball, Lord Of The Rings, Troy, Van Hellsing, Private Resort, Starwars, The Matrix, The Terminal, V FOR VENDETTA, All disney movies.....=] yea im like 5 years old..., Bandits, Ground Hogs Day, Highlander, Kill Bill, Hero, House of Flying Daggers, 007, Phenomenom
Naruto,SCRUBS ,Samuri Champlo, The Colbert Report, The Daily Show, MAD TV, SNL, Rounyi Kenshin, Yu Yu Hakisho, Inu Yasha, Premium Blend, Avatar, Show Biz Show, Rome, House, Southpark, Family Guy, American Dad, The Boondocks, Highlander
To Light A Candle, The Outstreched Shadow, The Last Guardian, Harry Potter, The Chronicals of Narnia, Taiko, The Devils Dictionary, Animal Farm, Enders Game, The Illiad, Eragon, The Lord of the Rings, Discolusre, Congo, Timeline, Adromida Strain, Rising Sun, Thinks...,The Curiosity Shop, A Tale of Two Cities, The Scarlet Letter, When Darkness Falls, A tale of hope lost, Faust, Frankenstine The Modern day Prometheius, Interview with a Vampire, The Vampire Lestat, Memnoch the Devil, Blood Cartel, Small World, Pandora,