*D*NicE profile picture


I wake up to my jesus peice like a catholic nun -llyod banks

About Me

Around the way they call me Dnice! I would like to think I am one step closer to perfection. Im far from it. I value those who have shared the most rugged moments in my life. The Irish tell me my last name has something to do with a Gypsy in the old country. My life involves craziness N I feel like im living a Seinfeld episode gone bad. My family if from Scotland. I like to laugh alot. Dancing in the car makes my day. I like pittbulls N boxing. I have attended black tye events, still keepin it real. I wore furry boots in vegas N searched for my shaker of salt for months in the Keys. I love WuTang. Rap fell off in 1997. Im still partying like it 99. Im keepin things positive N movin foreward with my life. MyGen Profile Generator

My Interests

Graphics & Layouts

I'd like to meet:

.. - Get Your Own


Rap JamZ


Braveheart #1, RoCky, Carlitos way, the Full MOnTy, Saving Private Ryan, W33k3Nd at bearnies, Coming to AmErRica, The Departed, GoOdWill HuNtINg, apocolypse now, goodfellas, a bronx tale, WhiTE M3N CaN'T JuMP, A MillIOn To JUaN


Friday Night Fights, The Contender, UFC, Tough Man Competition, Seinfeld, Mr.Bean, Brittish Comedy, SoX, CelT's, Maury, InteRvention


Anyone who has the strength to overcome their surroundings!

My Blog

The Invitation

The Invitation:**It doesn't interest me what you do for a living. I want to know what you ache for, and if you dare to dream of meeting your hearts longing**It doesn't interest me how old yu are. I wa...
Posted by *D*NicE on Sun, 11 May 2008 12:48:00 PST


NAS - HEAVEN Lyrics Nas - Heaven Lyrics[Chorus](If Heaven was a mile away)Would I pack up my bags and leave this world behind?(If Heaven was a mile away)Or save it all for you?(If Heaven was a mile aw...
Posted by *D*NicE on Thu, 07 Feb 2008 12:58:00 PST