the science of color schemes. Squinting to match the perfect pantone. Asanas, vinyasas, breathing. my childs development. new ideas. changes. My deviated septum. Breathing and practicing meditation. herbavours and carnivours and Sea creatures. My night dreams. don't forget to breath.
you @ my beginning hatha yoga class Tuesdays @ 6:30pm Thursdays @8pm check it out!Oh yeah, and a new job!
Radiohead - in rainbows is excellent. Especially "nude" and "all i need", those two are exceptionally haunting with velvety bass lines and caressing vocals... love, love love...
Batman w/ Christian Bale
is time consuming
I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !
yoga, yoga and more yoga. Anything by Bukowski, Dan Millman, ANaIS NIN,Fante, J.D. Salinger and of course Dr. Seuss,